Firstly, can I apologise to anyone who has been trying to get hold of me for the last week or so - my email account has been giving me lots of grief, often just disappearing completely. So I'm sorry I haven't answered you. I think it is ok again now, and I will be playing catch -up for a couple of days!

I have been at home all this time looking after my small son, who has been poorly. ( He has returned to school today, still not 100 %, but it is World Book Day, and he got to dress like a pirate for the day) So, although the housekeeping has completeley gone out of the window this week, I did at least manage to get plenty of time to sit and paint, while small boy dozed on the sofa, listening to stories.

Hare Study 2
12cm x 16 cm
Watercolour on heavy paper
Both these paintings are UNMOUNTED AND UNFRAMED
These are both offered for sale here on the blog, before going into my Etsy shop after the weekend, for the princely sum of £45 each, plus postage ( £4 UK, or £7 elsewhere in the world)
If you would like one, give me a shout - dbarlowart at aol.com
As usual, it will be on a 'first come, first served' basis.
the stitchwork on the hares ear is wonderful! as are the watercolors
Hi Danielle, sory to hear your little one hasn't been well. It's awful to see them quiet when they should be full of beans isn't it? I'm glad to hear he's on the mend and back at school. These paintings are beautiful :o)xx
Oh no, hope your little guy makes a full recovery soon. Nothing like dressing up as a Pirate to get one back on one's feet, eh? :)
Lovely paintings!
D'you know, your dog is the *spitting* image of ours(but yours has longer fur)! What type of dog is this?
the beauty and detail of your paintings make me sit here with my mouth open in sheer honour just to view! wow!...lovely hare quilting too xxxx love your blog its just wonderful with a magical feel x
Thankyou Julia- I have to own up to not embroidering the ear myself, it was already on the fabric! But a perfect fit for a hare's ear :)
Jessie - oh he's full of beans again today!
Catherine - he was a fab pirate! Magpie is a collie/ labrador cross, a fantastic mix for a family dog :)
Christina - you flatter me too much - your own paintings are absolutely stunning! ( but Thankyou!)
Fabulous work as always. I am sorry your little fella has been poorly. I know what you mean, you just have to let the chores slide, coz all they want is their Mum.
Hi Danielle
The quality of each hair's pelt is so good - with very little imagination I can feel the bedraggled fur on the first and the soft strokeable quality of the second.
How about Austin's coarse, wiry covering? actually, the girls just had a stroke and said he is soft. Better still he was his usual still self and they both stroked him without any reaction from any of them (Austin included).
How lovely, how absolutely lovely. I watched a hare chased by a fox tonight. The hare made it and I thought of you. You do so much for the small things of life. Thank you.
Lovely paintings!
Love the paintings! Hope your little is better:)
I love the hare paintings !
Just gorgeous!
Sending get well wishes to your youngest. :)
~ Carolee
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