Oooh, it's been two weeks since I posted here! I am sorry - I have been out and about, busy as a bee in this glorious sunny weather. I did manage to take my sewing with me yesterday to my Mother's house where we had a lovely high tea, with cousins and aunts and lots of small children. We drank copious amounts of tea, ate rather too much cake, and basked in the late afternoon sunshine while all the children raced around the garden. What more could you ask for on Mother's Day?

I also took the opportunity to try and tidy Piper up. She has been running wild all winter with the other youngsters, and is beginning to get a little too big for her boots. Her raggle taggle mane was down to her shoulders, and she looked very wild ( but rather elegant too). I trimmed her up, but have to own that I don't think I have done her any favours. With her forelock in a newly banged fringe, and her long fluttering eyelashes, she has a definate look of the 'Snork Maiden' about her. ( And, you know, the Snork Maiden was always my least favourite of Tove Jansson's characters - she was altogether too manipulative and simpering!)

I've also been working my scanner and printer hard. After all the moaning I did about the way my scanner picks up pencil lines, I have to give it credit for it's reproduction of watercolours. I have making prints of the two Hare studies, and they are just gorgeous! Rich in colour, and every line sharp and clear. I am off to list them in the Etsy shop now!
Finally, I have been lucky enough to be showered with blog awards in the last few weeks. Thankyou so much to everyone who gave me one, I am truly honoured, and I really do appreciate it. I simply have been running just to catch up with myself recently. I promise to get to the awards in the next post :)
Oh how beautiful Piper looks. You look so peaceful sewing. I have been going crazy doing watercolors and enjoying myself. I love the way I can make watercolors look.
Have a great week Danielle
I'd completely forgotten that it was Mothering Sunday back in the civilized world. Glad you enjoyed yours. Nice to see you stitching!
Oh Piper is so cute!!! Her eyelashes are unbelievable, I wish my horses had eyelashes like that, maybe I could give them eyelash extensions LOL! Seriously I did not mind waiting for your post, it was worth it. Always enjoy the photos from across the pond, they are so nice and green, a welcome site from those of us that live in the southwestern desert.
Glad to hear you are also making the most of the sunshine - I have been feeling inspired to do more work about the moor ponies and thought I might see if you are interested in a collaborative week of something this summer perhaps?
Can't wait to see your watercolours Sonia - I hope you are going to post them!
Catherine - Mothering Sunday is one of those confusing celebrations that seem to happen at different times in different places!
Jules - not much green in my pictures yet, I thought today they were looking decidedly bleached and wintery still. I can't wait for spring to finally arrive.
Jo - that sounds cool, let me know what you have in mind, I'd certainly be up for it.
ROFL...you made me laugh out loud with your 'snork maiden' comment!!! :)
Would you like to make prints of my art for me?
I confess it's my least favoutite job :( I always put it off! LOL
What a pretty pony! You weren't the only one Danielle, who ate too much cake on Sunday (oink!).
just to let you know I have given you an award. If you check in to 'Songs from the Wood', all will be explained.
Isn't it wonderful to be out in the sunshine. So good to see you sewing in the fresh air. Life sounds busy but beautiful in all its wonderful variety. Enjoy the bliss of spring. xx
Piper is just darling...but I probably would have left the mane grow wild...it had to have been gorgeous! Ah...but that's just me. Thick and woolly is sometimes very hard to keep managed.
Glad you're getting some spring weather...enjoy!
Julia - yeah, I hate doing the print making too :(
Kath - I had a day of being really good yesterday to try and make up for it. No bread at all!
Simon - thankyou, I'm very honoured :)
Carol Anne - I'm going to hit the garden in a minute ;)
gtyyup - I'm already regretting the trim. Trouble is she spends all her time in the gorse, and had constants knots full of prickles ( and gorse prickles hurt like anything when you try to pick them out!)So , I think I will let it regrow. She is only just rising 3, so plenty of time!
Danielle, Another award nomination coming your way...I've nominated you for the Kreativ Blog Award. I hope when you get time you will pay it forward and nominate 7 of your favorite blogs. You will find the rules on my blog...
Danielle, I love popping into your blog to see your new creations, beautiful ponies and countryside, and read the writings of your world!
I would love for you to pop over to the Chronicles of Whimsy to receive the award waiting for you!
I wish you a beautiful sunshine day Danielle!
Dale Ann ~
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