I finally put down my needles and thread, and picked up a pencil instead! This is what I have been working on for the last couple of days. Unfortunately my scanner can't pick up graphite lines very well - it's actually an extremely detailed drawing, but the paler lines are lost here. I had a very wobbly moment when I began painting. It is on Bristol board, and watercolour paint runs and dries very strangely on it's satiny surface. It buckled lots to start with , and I had a moment when I thought it was going to be ruined. But thankfully, it all came together eventually, and the end result is just what I had in mind. I am going to have to get it professionally scanned and printed though, as I want prints to be just as crisp and sharp as the original, and the moon should be palest gold, rather than the copper that my scanner has registered. Shiny paint always confuses the scanners :)
I'll leave you with a couple of songs which I have been listening to, while thinking about hares! The first is Maddy Prior's song cycle 'The Fabled Hare'. This has the most wonderful lyrics, most of which I shan't copy for you here, as I am not entirely sure of the copyright issues surrounding it, but I'll give you the first verse, which is taken from the confession of Isobel Gowdie, a Scottish woman tried for witchcraft in 1662. She claimed that this was the spell which she and her coven used to transform themselves into Hares.
I sall goe until a hare
Wi sorrow and sick mickle care
I sall goe in the devil's name
An while I come home again
You can hear Maddy Prior singing it here. (It's a rather rubbish video - needless to say , not her own, but it was the only one I could find to embed here)
You can hear Maddy Prior singing it here. (It's a rather rubbish video - needless to say , not her own, but it was the only one I could find to embed here)
(EDIT: I have removed the youtube video, as I had initial doubts about the photographs and artwork used on it, and Karen Davies from Moonlight and Hares has pointed out that one of the images was one of her paintings, used without permission :( BUT, instead I have added a link HERE where you can listen to the track in all it's glory, without a video!)
And then there is this - one of my favourite songs ever. This is Seth Lakeman, singing 'The White Hare'. You have probably heard it before, as it has been on my blog playlist forever, but this is just in case you needed to see him as well :)
Hi Danielle, this painting is stunning, i love all the detail. Hares are such fascinating creatures! The maddy prior song is an absolute fave of mine, i often listen to certain songs to get me in the right mood for painting. beautiful work.
Love this one Danielle! Pencil is really difficult to reproduce isn't it, the scanner just can't do it justice. I photographed my "Child in the Land" drawing which seemed to work better, but I still had to take about a dozens shots in different lights to get something I was half way happy with...and then fiddle with photoshop to make it look more like the original. Paintings are so much easier! Great song too. Maddy Prior still has the most fantastic voice, even now after all these years.
This is a fabulous painting. I totally love it :) I'm thinking of hares too, it must be the time of year :)
This is just beautiful! Great music too. :)
~ Carolee
Hi Sweet Pea,
LOVE your Hare. Even if the scanner didn't pick it all up, it's beautiful.
Have you listened to Maddy Prior's Song "Raven Child". Lovely.
I love the mixture of pencil and paint here Danielle. It really is beautiful.
Best wishes
Love the music links and the fabulous hare drawing.
By the way, How is the new pony settling in?
Hi Danielle, your hare is amazing. You have got his coat just perfect. We have a family of hares in the field behind our house and I love watching them. You have made an incredible likeness. superb!
The picture is lovely Danielle You've really captured the magic.
I adore this Maddy Prior song.
Was somewhat surprised to see one of my own paintings in this video though.
I tagged you with the Beautiful Blogger Award... now you have homework!
- The Equestrian Vagabond
I love your blog! Your art never ceases to inspire. There is an award on my blog for you...
Your new work is so beautiful, Danielle. Your creativity leaves me breathless. Always an inspiration! xx
It is wonderful to see your latest piece of art. The pencil work is gorgeous to see up close!
Wonderful art and wonderful music. Bravo, perfection.
Hi Danielle I love visiting your site to see your beautiful paintings, which is why I've nominated you for a sunshine blogger award :) just visit my blog to collect it :)
Beautiful painting.
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