The children returned to school this morning after a wonderful half term week, one of those times that remain in your memory for always. The sun has shone gloriously, and we have picnicked amongst bluebells, while dangling our toes in the river, we have walked over hills with friends and sunbathed while children spent hours climbing tors and scrabbling under rocks looking for treasure. Eldest daughter has set out on her own, with her beloved pony Matthew, pack lunch on her back, to meet friends and play, while I have pottered around the lanes and the open moor with smaller children and a motley collection of bikes and dogs and ponies. This is truly bliss! In amongst this I clutched sewing needles and sticks and endeavoured to finish mounting quilts in time for the exhibition. It's done! The exhibition is up, in the Courtyard Cafe , Chagford, until the end of June, so do pop by if you are in the area, or pass the word on to anyone who may be interested. They serve delicious cakes ( gluten free) and hot chocolate!

I managed one last tiny painting to join the others. It is approximately 6 by 4 inches. I will try and get in with my camera over the next couple of days, as the quilts look quite different now they have been mounted and hung.

And now for a brief 'proud mother' moment! This is my young son, who at 6 years old completed the Chagford Two Hills race in blistering sun shine on Bank Holiday Monday. This is a gruelling race up the face of Meldon hill, (shown in picture below) down, and back up Nattadon hill (where the shot was taken from). It is a total climb of 1076 feet and is fractionally under three and a half miles. He did it in 58 minutes , which is brilliant! I have never run the Two Hills Race, even in my fit teenage years, and I am just bursting with pride!

And here is my baby, Sandpiper, maturing into a beautiful filly. She is three now, and I just adore her. I had originally thought I would back her this summer, but I now think I will leave it a year, as I think she still has some growing to do. Native pony breeds mature more slowly than horses, and though she has plenty of bone, I expect her to get much greater depth of chest, and to generally broaden, so I think I will stick with ground work this summer.

Hi! I like your poster, and will put a link to your exhibition on my web-site www.luchair.co.uk as soon as possible. Good luck!
Three cheers for you all: running boys, horses, and you for your hexibition which I shall go and see forthwith!! :) x
Best of luck with your exhibition... would have loved to see it if I was a bit closer!
I am really impressed with your son's incredible run! At 6 years old! Well done indeed!
Wow! You have been busy Danielle! I do hope you are able to pop in and take photos of the quilts, don't think I'm going to be able to pop across the pond to see them :)
I ran track in high school and college and know the difficulty in running hills. Three cheers for your son!
Sandpiper is lovely, love her color.
Good luck at the exhibition!
What an idyllic sounding holiday! I am more and more determined to move to the country next year. Congratulations on the Exhibition, and I don't know whether it was a typo, or intentional (which I suspect it was) but I love Rima's 'Hexibiton'...a perfect word for all the magic that's in it!
After reading all your good news all I can think of is "It's A Wonderful Life!"
Sandpiper is so pretty! She has a very pleasing top-line for one so young. I'm sure she will grow into a beautiful mare.
Your half term week sounds quite idyllic and Well done! to your valiant 6 year old son! He did so well. (I wish my grumpy teenager was still 6 years old LOL).
Your half term sounds perfect - I will have to make a special effort to get over to Chagford to see your lovely work in the flesh!! All the best for the show x
That sounds like a wonderful half term and well done with the exhibition!xx
Lovely to visit here and get a glimpse of your life...life with hares and with all of your sweet brood! Congrats on the exhibit - if I wasn't half way around the world I'd definitely pop by for a gluten-free and a look-see :>D
holy smoke! a show (congratulations!!!), a little boy becoming a man (such a feat!), and a lovely pony. she's a beauty. you must be overwhelmed with delight.
Love Sandpiper. What a pretty filly she is. No harm leaving her to mature and concentrating on the groundwork either.
We were in Chagford only last Saturday, viewing a property. I wish we had explored a bit more, but we had another house to view elsewhere . . .
I believe, after meeting Yarrow last week, I may have two of your tomato seedlings here now : ) So thank you !!!
Blissful times, Danielle. Wishing you a glorious summer with your loved ones. xx
I love your hare quilt, beautiful!
Good luck with your exhibition.
Very nice. Interesting things you have. I love things that present a warmth and you seem to have that. JoJo
i like these kinds of dogs.
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