This is the reason I have been absent from my computer for a few days - isn't he gorgeous? Marlene gave birth to this little colt in the early hours of Sunday morning. He is dun at the moment, but likely to go cream I'm told. His sire is the Highland stallion Glenmuir Buzzard( the same sire as my beautiful Sandpiper). Marlene is so proud of him, and is busy keeping him hidden away behind rocks and bushes at the moment so none of the other mares can get a glimpse of him, although she is quite happy for us to coo over him. We have decided to call him Kestrel.

And I managed to get some rather rubbish shots of the quilts hanging in their exhibition. I'm sorry they are so wonky! They look pretty good in reality ;)

Oh, he's just beautiful Danielle! And a fantastic name too.
The quilts are great - how long does it take you to make each of those? They look very detailed.
Enjoy fussing the new arrival!
Oh, what a sweetie! It will be lovely to see him documented in your lovely style as he grows up....
Oh he is devine! I was watching a very young one running circles around his mum yesterday. Tail bolt upright and legs everywhere! Delightful.
The exhibition stuff looks great too. Hope it has gone well for you.
Welcome to the new world, little Kestrel...
oooh...he is soooo adorable!
what a pretty picture
Exhibition looks grreat!
Kestral is fantastic, I love his name and he's going to be so good looking in dun or cream!
Beautiful - both the colt and the quilts. My favorite (quilt that is) is the bottom one with the silhouettes of the trees.
Kestrel is beautiful! I LOVE your quilts, and the way they are hung is fantastic. Did you say you were going to sell after the exhibition?
What a little beauty. I see his Human Mama is just as proud of him as his pony Mum!!!
I really love the way you have hung your quilts particularly the natural wood twigs. They really suit your style. Your empathy with nature really comes through..
He's a dandy pony colt! I bet all of you are ecstatic! Congrats!
What a little darling! I shall look forward to following his prgoress. I know what you mean about Highlands changing colour. My girl was dark brown at first, then went black with dun points. The black and grey, then dappled grey and finally white.
I love the hares, I keep promising myself I will make something "harey"! :D
Oh Congratulations, what a wonderful little boy.
PS I have just emailed you, sorry I didnt see the email, brain drain!! Linda:)
Oh what a poppet. Love the name too. I bet his mum is just so proud of him (and you too).
Lovely quilts - especially the bottom one - the trees remind me of Clarice Cliff?
What a sweet baby! Nothing else like them in the world. I'm enjoying seeing your quilts as much as your artwork.
How lovely there is nothing more magical than having new life arrive; reminds me of a magical time when I was young and went to my cousins to watch her mare give birth. How wonderful and magical
Kestral!! Aww so sweet...that would be enough to keep anyone away from the computer :)
And the quilts do look beautiful! Hope the exhibition has been going well :) x
Oh he's beautiful! And a perfect name too. Your quilts look gorgeous, I especially love the one hanging from the rustic branch, it really suits it. Hope the exhibition is going well!
How adorable! And his name id so magical. I'm sure he'll be quite fleet of foot.
LOVE your quilts.
kestrel is lovely. just the tonic i need, a new equine in the world!
He's gorgeous!! And what a wonderful name...
The quilts are stunning too! :)
~ Carolee
he's SO CUTE! and Kestrel is a wonderful name!
- The Equestrian Vagabond
Love new babies! Will look forward to updates~
Your quilts look wonderful!
Thankyou so much everyone! I'll try not to keep whittering on about him and boring you all!
Dan - the quilts take me between 20 and 30 hours each for these.
Karen - yes, they will be for sale afterwards. They are actually for sale now in the exhibition, but with the gallery commission added on, they are terribly expensive!
I love your new addition, oh how I would love my very own.
beautiful! And a perfect name too.
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