The cold and dark has crept into everything this week, even my mood. All I have wanted to do is tuck myself up in the little armchair beside the fire. I had a rummage at the book store at Proper Job, and found, to my delight, a whole pile of my childhood favourites. I brought them all back - ostensibly for the children to read, but I feel the need to reacquaint myself with them first!

Even a Sunday walk with the family and their dogs seemed to be in semi- darkness. Tonight I think it is time to bring in the christmas tree, bring light and greenery to the house, and sweep the gloom outside!

Seaward was the first Susan Cooper book that I ever read. (followed quickly by The Dark is Risisng, which I still re-read every winter)
I love the painting at the top of your post. Any chance it will eventually turn into a print in your shop?
Thankyou Alison! I'm planning a big re- organizing of the shop in the New Year, and 'Long Lugs' should go in then!
The dark and cold is definitely creeping into everything, and I'm hoping for more blue sky days before the year turns. I love the `Long Lugs' piece, Danielle, and all those book treasures you've found. Here's wishing you and your loved ones a sparkling Yuletide full of light. xx
I love Moonfleet, and the Sword in the Stone. Cosy up till you feel better. Love the painting too. Lindax
know how you feel Danielle. It's so gloomy when winter sucks all the life out of us. I feel like eating all the time...and sleeping...not good.
An Eeyore moment eh? I'm calling our Jack Russell 'Victor Meldrew' for the time being! Hope you're over it now. xxx
I like the photo of you working. Your joy in what you do is clear in your face.
Enjoy the lights! We got our tree up this weekend and it's a delight to have lights in these darkest days of the year. Solstice is less than a week away, though, so gradually light will grow.
The painting of the rabbit jumping over the moon is gorgeous. I really love your work. We share some passions too. Your love of childhood books and dogs are two of my own favorites. Happy Holidays!
Julie Magers Soulen Photography
Blog of Note
It has been so dark and wet hasn't it. The grass is just saturated here.
I hope your festive decorating cheers you up and changes you into tigger! :) xx
Your beautiful hare reminds me of Kit Williams' gorgeous 'Masquerade Book', Danielle! And I must see if I can find 'Seaward', as I adore 'The Dark is Rising' and reread the series regularly too...TDIR had a huge influence on all my childhood notions about Christmas, strange perhaps for a child of the southern hemisphere. April's sentiments echo mine...about summer! I feel half asleep and lethargic, and most UNcreative, when the weather is too hot to even think!
I love Susan Cooper, and do that too--buy books presummably for the kids, but really for me. Now that they're grown/almost grown, I don't even have them for an excuse anymore. But it's been more the picture books that I have to own (if we don't already),just so I can look at the illustrations and be inspired. Trina Schart Hymen (sp?) is my absolute favorite.
Love the hare and moon painting and the photo of the dogs. Grey days can wear down one's spirit. Hope you got your tree in to brighten your house and mood.
I know how you feel exactly. I feel the need to pull my comfort close around me and enjoy the season as much as possible, with fires and twinkling lights. In reality though, there is mud and silly ponies and frozen aching fingers. Actually, that sounds great too! I do love the Winter :)
Thank you for your comments, and yes, I'm totally loving my job and wish it could go on forever, but it's only until March - at the moment!
I'll be catching up with my post soon, but not sure if it will reach you before Christmas. I will try though :)
The hounds look ready for a good brisk walk... and maybe a little search for a hare...
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