Woo Hoo! We had a snow day today, and we all went out to play! The children stayed home from school, and even Steve took a day off, and we spent nearly all day out having fun. It was a long tramp up the hill to the farm to feed the ponies, and I had to bucket water out from the house as all outside taps were frozen, but we took the sledge and some chocolate and it was great. Afterwards, we continued on up over the top of Meldon. The snow was pristine and virgin, and everyone had a go on the sledge, despite being hampered by Magpie bouncing along in front of it! Eventually we made our way home, stopping off at a neighbouring farm on the way for a pot of tea, and a chance to dry out our gloves on the rayburn. If only all days could be as carefree!

Thanks for "popping by" earlier Danielle. Very much enjoying your blog and wonderful photos. We live in the most beautiful part of the world and its lovely to get out and enjoy it (especially with a bar or two of chocolate for emergencies ~ we took some on our adventures too!!) Lucyxx
WOW that looks so magical. Ive just come home from looking at a Antarctica photography exhibition. Snow and ice is just so captivating to look at.
Wonderful pictures and wonderful fun! x
Gorgeous photos, LOVE the raven!
I just saw in our paper today all the snow that fell in London. Seems like it shut the place down.
Danielle, the views are breathtaking!!
We went to a horse show over the weekend and I saw a stocky little Dartmoor there and thought of you. He was the only one and had everyone's attention.
It's snowing here tonight...maybe we can have a play day tomorrow.
Wonderful photos, everything looks so pretty in your winter wonderland. What a great day!
Beautiful pictures!!! You look like you had a wonderful time!!
What fun! We have below freezing temps here, but no snow...If it's got to be cold, I sure wish it would snow!!
Lovely pictures and what a friendly neighbour you have. The last one of the bird on the roof is my favourite!x
Great pictures, it looks like a lot of fun in the snow!
Lovely photographs. Lovely to see a family enjoying life together!
Lucky, lucky ducks!! How I wish we could have some snow soon! Actually, it is snowing at the moment....but not the kind to stick and stay, I'm afraid. Have Fun!!
Now that looks like fun!!
We had some snow for a very short time sadly, but made the most of it while walking the dog in the evening..snowballs were thrown...& caught by Nimh to be devoured! haha
Lovely photos:)
Julia xx
cool photos! I am loving the snow, from here in L.A. That first photo is GREAT!
you have been awarded the 'lemonade' blog award for positive attitude blogs, come and pick it up Lindax
Wow! beautiful landscapes... glad you all had a chance to enjoy a bit of the cold white stuff.. we are up to our ears with it now.. I'll trade!!
my son had a snow-day off today too .. he went sliding then skating...
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