It's been an odd day - we woke to a new covering of snow this morning, and a thick enveloping fog, which filled the house with a beautiful diffused white light, and utter silence. It was wonderfully calm, and so I managed to finish the second painting in this tree series today. I need to do a batch of framing, and thankfully I have a pile of old frames to recycle and use (thanks to Proper Job ) , but I will need to take them in to a local framers to get the mounts cut - I have never mastered it!

And last, but not least, I have been remiss in mentioning tags and blog awards!
I have been awarded the Lemonade Award for positive blogging from Angie at Free Rein Art and Design and Linda at The Briar Rose Gate. I am honoured, and thank them deeply for their kindness.

Because I feel slightly uncomfortable about the passing on of tags and awards left, right and centre, I am not going to do that. Instead I will point you in the direction of a blog I love to read.
I know that Lisa at The Laughing Orca Ranch has been awarded this several times, but here is a lady who has been handed a whole bushel of lemons, and still keeps making lemonade!
I know that Lisa at The Laughing Orca Ranch has been awarded this several times, but here is a lady who has been handed a whole bushel of lemons, and still keeps making lemonade!
And finally here is an award for art blogs from Gail H Ragsdale (whose work I love, we share a taste for crows and horses!)
I'm supposed to tell you 7 things I love , which I'm sure I can manage!
1. Almonds, and almond flavouring! I especially love macaroons - I have a fabulous super easy recipe for them from Nigella Lawson.
2. The colour turquoise, and all shades of greeny blue! I'm sure regular readers of my blog will have already guessed that. I even dyed my hair that colour when I was 16.
3. Science Fiction. My favourite escape on the rare occasions I have a moment to read.
4. Big earrings. I never wear make -up, or other jewellery, or even fashionable clothes, and rarely brush my hair. My one vice, even when wearring wellies and scruffy jumpers covered in hay is big earrings. Bright and colourful, and even better if they are jingly!
5. Growing ornamental thistles of every sort. They are beautiful and diverse, as well as attracting and feeding all sorts of wildlife.
6. Singing. I LOVE to sing, but am painfully shy about it, and would never do so when any one other than my family could hear me.
7. Bird skulls. My husband loves them too, and we always pick them up if we find them. They are exquisite little works of art!
So there we go, 7 things I love. Again, I feel awkward about tagging 7 people, so I will simply point you towards my current favourite art blogger, Amy Abshier Reyes . Her paintings are stunning, and her blog amusing - it's always a pleasure to visit!
I'm supposed to tell you 7 things I love , which I'm sure I can manage!
1. Almonds, and almond flavouring! I especially love macaroons - I have a fabulous super easy recipe for them from Nigella Lawson.
2. The colour turquoise, and all shades of greeny blue! I'm sure regular readers of my blog will have already guessed that. I even dyed my hair that colour when I was 16.
3. Science Fiction. My favourite escape on the rare occasions I have a moment to read.
4. Big earrings. I never wear make -up, or other jewellery, or even fashionable clothes, and rarely brush my hair. My one vice, even when wearring wellies and scruffy jumpers covered in hay is big earrings. Bright and colourful, and even better if they are jingly!
5. Growing ornamental thistles of every sort. They are beautiful and diverse, as well as attracting and feeding all sorts of wildlife.
6. Singing. I LOVE to sing, but am painfully shy about it, and would never do so when any one other than my family could hear me.
7. Bird skulls. My husband loves them too, and we always pick them up if we find them. They are exquisite little works of art!
So there we go, 7 things I love. Again, I feel awkward about tagging 7 people, so I will simply point you towards my current favourite art blogger, Amy Abshier Reyes . Her paintings are stunning, and her blog amusing - it's always a pleasure to visit!
Love the new painting, and have to add how very cool you have Hazmat Modine on your playlist! I heard the CD for the first time a few months ago at a friend's house, and it's on my "to buy" list. :)
Love the beautiful snowy photos too. :)
~ Carolee
New tree painting is stunning!
Beautiful tree painting! I love it. It reminds me of Japanese woodblock
Trees are so calming to me...I love your painting!
You have beautiful work! I have enjoyed browsing your blog!
The tree painting reminds me of a lane near my home. One day while driving past it there was a magnificant stag standing way down the back of it. He was shadowed against the greens and I burned the image in my brain to one day paint. I really love crows so your painting really appeals to me as does your painting style. I love using ink and watercolor. I always keep my whimsical stuff to myself, maybe oneday I'll post it.!!
Gorgeous painting Danielle!
I can relate so much to your "things about yourself" except the sci fi, but max and John have that covered.. wish you lived closer!!
Oh, I'm crazy about that tree painting!! Beautiful!
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