Oooh, I got such a treat in yesterdays post! I was really rather naughty after christmas, and spent my meagre savings on some artwork! I ordered 3 prints from some of my most favourite artists, and the first one arrived today. It is from Karen, and I am absolutely thrilled with it. I have long been coveting a piece of her work, and one day will be back for more. The owl print perhaps?
The other prints are coming from across the pond, and I will show you when they arrive. Now I have to frame them, but I had a good rummage at Proper Job, the local recycling centre, a couple of days ago, and came back with a bundle of old picture frames, all with good glass in them, just in need of a good clean. I can get new mounts cut, and use these. ( Mount cutting is something I have never got to grips with. I have a mount cutter of my own, but it STILL goes wonky, and I end up swearing at it )

The ground has been frozen solid for days, and Marlene and Piper are glad of their hay. Piper has a wonderful double coat that means she is completely unfazed by the weather. Even driving sleet seems not to penetrate it and she, alone of them all, stands out in the middle of the field in the worst of it. It must be her Highland blood. Marlene too has a thick woolly coat, but as rain is our usual fare down here in Devon, I tend to rug all the riding ponies in the winter. Time is always too short to stand them in and dry them off for hours before we can saddle them. This cold snap is unusual, though welcome. If it carries on for much longer, water may be a problem though.
Hi Danielle, I agree with you about Karen's work, it's so beautiful isn't it? A treat to be sure but it's important for us creatives to have beauty around us don't you think? ;)
I must admit I was a bit shy about joining in with the last post but hey, here I go!x
Your Piper and my Piper look alike! (well, my Piper isn't a pony, but she is a baby!) So cute..
I have to get one of those owl prints for myself someday soon:)
My Christmas treat was a print from Ellen Morrow. I love her work!
Your horses look so cute in their winter fuzzies.
Love the photo of the tree, would make a great painting!
Oh, I love that print too! I had not seen her blog before though, thanks for the link!
I know what you mean about cutting mounts (mats)...my husband cuts all mine, lol!
Your horses are so cute, I just want to give them a kiss! And I'm loving the tree pics too! :-)
He he - One of the ones I am waiting for is from Ellen Morrow! great minds think alike - again!
I'm so glad you're pleased with the print Danielle. :)
Thanks for showing it off and for the link too. ;)
Hmmm ... The 3 columns you asked about on my blog.
My hubby did it for me. All I know is that he was there for about 3 hours fiddling with it. I'm not a computer wizard unfortunately, and am still learning and struggling with some of the basics.
I'll ask him later , and if its simple to explain, I'll get him to email.
You are fortunate indeed to own some of Karen's work. She is very talented and I love her paintings!
Also, lovely photos of the ponies!! All dressed up for winter.
I love the photos, all of them with that high Moon spying from a frozen sky. Happy New Year Danielle, it may be filled with good health, joy and much art.
i recently bought one of karens hares, and its beautiful. i am hankering after a magpie too! Love your moon 'n' tree pic, beautiful!
Leanne x
The nice thing about the holidays, was I found that bidding wasn't as vigorous, so I was able to afford a bit more art than I think I could have bought otherwise. Of course, if sales are down I too have less to spend. Still...It's fun when the new things arrive!
Your ponies are beautiful and your artwork is amazing. I love it.
Darn I hooked up to late to be in your draw. Next time -- a girl can hope.
Renee xoxoxo
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