I went down to Proper Job yesterday, our local recycling centre (and pirate hang-out ). It's such an Aladdins cave , I could spend hours rummaging around! One of my favourite resources is the 'Book Box' , a beautifully organised and catalogued second - hand book store, packed full of treasures. I always come back with an arm full of books.

I also rooted around in the clothes section ( currently temporarily squashed into a little shed, but in a couple of weeks the huge new cabin opens , where they will have loads of second hand and vintage clothing) As it is, I came away with two new pairs of school shoes in exactly the right sizes. Clarks brand, and barely worn at all. 50 p a pair! I am so pleased - school shoes are so expensive, and my children wear through them so fast (probably because I buy cheap ones in the first place

I've had children at home this week, one after another going down with coughs and colds, so it has been difficult to get on with any painting. That, and the fact that I turned the heater off in my studio because I was horrified by our electricity bill, and now it is far too cold to work out there! There was frost on the inside of the window yesterday, and the lovely cosy spare bed in there isn't cosy at all.

It's a busy time on Etsy this weekend. Jen, from Gypsy Mare Studios put me in her beautiful gypsy themed treasury. I am coveting most of the beautiful things in this collection!
Also, don't forget the 'Buy 2 , get a 3rd free, and free shipping sale' runs all weekend, until midnight on Monday.
Hello Dear, Great place to shop, I love second hand shops, its the only place to get great bargains these days. Sorry to hear the kids have all been sick but this time of year everyone seems to catch a bug..
What a gorgeous treasury on Etsy! wow...& here I am listening to Loreena Mckennitt at the same time..it's like a soundtrack to a Gypsy treasury! LOL
It's cold here too...brrrr...my dog is trying to hog the heater yet again!
I would love to have a studio that was in a different building. I work out of my bedroom, and even though I go there to get away from everyone, they're always finding me!! Congrats on the great second hand finds!
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