I finally managed another submission for Illustration Friday, so I'm feeling pretty smug! This is pretty foolish of me actually, as the only reason I have it done is because I completely omitted to do the things I SHOULD have been doing. Such as ... making a start on two comissions with deadlines, altering a pair of curtains for a friend, which I promised to finish a week ago, taking the dog for a big walk ( she did get a little one, but it was hailing , and I just woosed out), planting winter salads in the green house, and a multitude of other houseworky sort of jobs. This original is for sale here, and I will list prints on Etsy.
I did at least manage to bring the remainder of my pumpkin harvest indoors, out of reach of the frost. This is a good harvest for us, and I'm going to show you a picture. ( All you pumpkin growers from the US, look away now, lest you laugh at the miserly size of my crop!)

They look pretty good in the kitchen alcove in front of the Tree of Life . The two pictures on the side are two of my favourite Arthur Rackham crow prints,and the central one above the alcove, the owlwoman, is a print by a friend , Virginia Lee.
I really like your unique drawing and rendering style.
I'm glad you did play hooky, the illustration is great, it reminds me of wonderful books of my childhood.
Now get on with some of those chores!!!
I love birds, and your works are really intense! very expressive!
Congratulations and regards!
Rui Sousa (O temporário)
This is so beautiful. I love the rich colour of the sky, and the details in the foreground. It really tells a story. Wonderful!
Lovely illustration and what wonderful style you have!
I can relate to the idea of 'slacking off' and doing things for fun every now and then...
Oooo Danielle, I love the new raven!! Your pumpkins look great too infront of the cool art and tree of life. :)
There is so much to look at here. Such a good illustration.
I'd watch it!!!
Thanks for your comment,and I'll follow your blog.So great work yours
I like the raven, very good illustration
A real interesting take on the subject- really original!
Danielle, I am so pleased to see your work..
Your subject matter is some of my favourite things... your style.. and detail.. I am in awe!!
your work is wonderful!!!...
thank you for being a slacker this week and joining all of the slackers…
your work is worth it! beautiful… and i never thought of ravens a creatures who fix things…
Beautiful illustration! I really like your style! It's charming! :)
Thankyou everyone for all your kind comments! Here is a quick update on my slacker status : I have now nearly finished the curtain alterations, and made the kids do the washing up, but I am STILL on the computer! I can't resist the urge to wander through the blogosphere - it's just so interesting. I discovered a parasite that becomes a permanent fish tongue on my travels today. How cool is that?
your art is AMAZING.
Great one! Love your birds, the crow is wonderful. I'm succer for crows!
I can imagine a very great story behind this, lovely :)
It's a lovely illustration. It is so well done. I like your style. You have a very nice blog.
Amazing, beautiful. It paints a wonderful scene, very creative.
Danielle, this illustration is beautiful... I love the concept, in fact I just love everything about it! :)
Your pumpkins look great too!!
Awesome! It feels like there is a story here...you have a great style
Wow! Very beautiful and haunting...
A great magical scene, really well executed :)
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