I first came across Theatre Zingaro about 10 years ago, when I accidentally saw a documentary with a friend, Pip, about the founding of the company and the making of their first show 'Opera Equestre'. I was blown away, stunned, astounded, to put it mildly! It was the most beautifully moving and intense piece of theatre I had ever seen, combining incredible horsemanship with magical storytelling accompanied by the haunting sounds of a company of Berber musicians.
Bartabas, founder of Theatre Zingaro, is an unrivalled horseman, and a showman in the purest gypsy tradition. ( He is also the founder of The Académie du Spectacle Équestre (Academy of Equestrian Arts) in the Grand Ecurie of the Palace of Versailles - see the Youtube video at the end of this post for a sampling of his classical Haute Ecole work)
Pip and I followed their progress, and watched all the DVDs, and dreamed of making a trip to their purpose built amphitheatre at Aubervilliers, Paris, to see them perform. Tragically, Pip died suddenly and unexpectedly a couple of years ago, but last September, her husband Patrick, myself and three other friends made it to Paris for a weekend to see the latest show Battuta, a frenetic, passionate and moving show, which would have touched Pip's bohemian soul.

Battuta is a wild and exhilarating Gypsy spectacle with the musical accompaniment played by Moldavian fiddlers ( This was the icing on the cake for me - one of my favourite bands is Fanfare Ciocarlia, a Moldavian Brass Band - if you feel rather unsure about that, listen to them first - it's like nothing you could imagine!) With geese, and a dancing bear (not a real one, I hasten to add) a gypsy wagon made from a 2CV, and spectacular horsemanship, it is the most inspirational performance I have ever seen. I urge everyone to see it if they can!

Thanks for putting up with the superlatives - I promise not to go overboard again!
Dear Danielle
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and introducing me to yours. I have read all of it checked out all the links. I love it stating with name of the blog to all your wonderful art work. It was like reading a book, a fantasy one which I love. I adore horse but live in the city so seldom get to see any.
I have sooooo enjoyed reading your blog, bringing some excitment to my boring city life. I love anything from Great Britian, love fantasy, fairys ect. You have made my day. Now I'm off to buy some of your work on ebay, I love so many it will be very difficult to choose a few. I will keep 3 for my self and 1 will be a Christmas gift for a friend who has a fairy room and one of your prints will be a fabulous fit in there.. I will be back as often as I can, thanks agin for sharing your life with us.....
Hi Danielle
I too just read you whole blog and was totally swept away.If you don't write books you should, what a fantastic read.
Have a wonderful day
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