Wednesday 13 April 2011

Tricksters and Totems : A Virtual View of the Exhibition

So, here we are! My exhibition is up in the Courtyard Cafe, Chagford, for the month of April.
I'm sorry for the colour in most of these photos - they were taken indoors without a flash, and have a very yellow cast!

'The Goat Guardian'

These are the lovely oak frames that I salvaged from the Proper Job recycling centre, which fit the Guardian paintings perfectly.

'Hare Guardian'

'She Waits'

'She Wishes'

And these are a pair of small mixed media paintings which I finished in time for the show. There will be prints of these on Etsy any day now.

Thankyou so much to everyone who leaves comments - I really love to read them, and appreciate them all. I'm sorry I have been extremely slow moderating them recently, but I'm having some major issues with my internet connection at the moment.


Bovey Belle said...

Oh those look LOVELY, and the plain oak frames are absolutely perfect. I'm travelling down to Hampshire in a couple of weeks, and WISH I could do a dog-leg to Chagford . . . Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Your paintings look just beautiful! Best wishes for your show.

A mermaid in the attic said...

Beautiful Danielle. The Guardians are really special! All the best for the exhibition!

Kath said...

I do wish I could see them myself, they look lovely and even better in person I'm sure. Fancy getting those fab frames at a recycling centre!
I hope the show goes well and you sell lots of your beautiful work.

Aisling Kiernan said...

What a beautiful exhibition. I just love your work. I wish you lots of lovely sales.

JGG said...

What fun, I know that was a lot of work, but so worth it. The show looks fabulous. So - now what will you do will all that spare time!

Windsongs and Wordhoards said...

It all looks fabulous! I wish I could see it in person... beautifully presented too! I am very fond of your foxes, especially the girl walking with foxes and the fox stalking the magpie. I hope it goes well!

Valerianna said...

The show looks wonderful, congratulations! I love the last fox painting - such a beautifully, expressive face on the fox.

Robin Larkspur said...

Congratulations on such a wonderful show! I adore your art; the frames are beautiful too. You are a magical artist! Blessings to you!

Emerald Window said...

I'm so happy for you. Your art is exceptional and I wish I could be there to see your exhibition. You've grown this last year as an artist. I always look forward to your next blog post so I can see what you have conjured.

bright star said...

We visited Chagford last month,we always stop for lunch there if we go to London to visit my Mum,pity we did not see your great exhibition! Chagford is such a great place and just right for a stop from Truro!

Virginia said...

Congratulations! What a lovely show you produced! You must be very proud of it. I hope it sells well too. I wish I lived closer so I could some and have a look.

Jess said...

Oh Danielle! We were in that cafe just the other day so I can imagine how lovely your paintings are going to look displayed there. :)Good luck with the exhibition!xx

Velma Bolyard said...

big congrats on the show! i like your announcement.

Lunar Hine said...

Saw your work 'in the flesh' yesterday. Looks great, and you're right about those frames - what a find!
Hope the Easter holiday influx brings you buyers

Gail H. Ragsdale said...

So wonderful! The frames really help make your art stand out even more. Congratulations on a job well done!

Caroline said...

Good luck with your exhibition - I really like the way you've framed your paintings. What a find!

Heidi said...

Fantastic and whimsical. I would love to see them in person. As for now, I will continue to enjoy the print I got on Etsy. It is framed and on my wall.

Danielle Barlow said...

Thankyou all for your kind comments :) My broadband seems to be working a little faster again now, so I'm working my way around to visiting everyone again!

Karen said...

Lovely work Danielle. Good luck with the exhibition! x


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