Thursday 24 March 2011

New work emerging from the studio......

"We Are Kin"
A3 watercolour

Busy days in the studio at the moment. I have an exhibition coming up, and have been working like mad on some larger pieces for it. I have grand plans for a much more extravagant version of this fox woman, but for now I need to tidy up loose ends and finish some smaller pieces.

These two paintings are huge (for me) and are off being framed in some lovely second hand oak frames that I found at Proper Job. Having the new studio has meant I have had the space to work larger, and these are very personal paintings that I have been wanting to create for a long time. These characters are my muses and guides :)

Spring has well and truly sprung. While I am working I have been fidgety and eager to get outside into the glorious March sunshine.
Captain has been wonderful, taking everything in his stride. River crossings, log lorries, ice creams in the village! I am reduced to walking everywhere, as the girls have stolen him entirely. I'm guessing there will be a lot more walking in the future, as my car is on its last legs. The lovely local garage have stuck it back together with sticky tape, but it's only going to keep it going a bit longer.


Bovey Belle said...

What a lovely boy Captain is, and sounds like he is 100% pure gold too! If that's your daughter riding him, no wonder she needed a step up from Bethan!

I LOVE your paintings. They capture magic. I hope that you have a brilliant exhibition.

Oh, and that the sticky tape works on your car . . . Damnty things.

Valerianna said...

Danielle - the work looks wonderful, good luck with the show! Maybe a bunch of sales and a new car could come? Captain is very handsome, I love the sideways look and very expressive eye in that shot of the two girls riding ( and a magical looking little lane they are on) So glad he's working out so well.

Danielle Barlow said...

Bovey Belle - Yes, that is my younger daughter riding him! She has had her feet in the muck heap all winter, and grown enormously tall. I'm hoping that she can go onto Matt, who is not so big as Captain!

Valerianna - a bunch of sales and a new car would be just great :)

Robin Larkspur said...

Everything is beautiful on your post today. Your art is absolutely amazing, and the girls and their horses are lovely! I do so enjoy visiting your blog!!

Velma Bolyard said...

well, the work is looking so strong and the ponies are very, very fine. i love your new boy. and the three paintings are moving you into a deeper place, i think.

A mermaid in the attic said...

Love these new pieces Danielle! And I know nothing about ponies but Captain looks like such a beautiful soul. When/where is your exhibition? I'm asking because my parents are heading off to the UK in a few days for a two month long trip, and I've given them strict instructions to visit Chagford (living vicariously through my mum and dad!). My mum was just asking this morning if there are any galleries in the town that showcase some of the work of all you wonderful artists who live in the area.

:) Christina

Virginia said...

Oh! Great news! I came by purely to hear how he was settling in. Aren't cars awful - there's always something more to spend money on, and none of the warm feelings that a pony gives in return!
Your new "big works" are looking great too. Best of luck for the exhibition.

Madeleine said...

Lovely new work Danielle...and great that you can start to develop big pieces.

I was thinking the same re. middle daughter's size - she doesn't look small on Captain! How tall she is going to be. Great to see the girls looking so happy on the ponies.

Yarrow said...

Fabulous paintings Danielle, I adore the goat and best of luck with the exhibition, a good studio makes a huge difference :D

I'm glad that Captain is settling in, he's gorgeous, just the sort of boy I'd look twice at :D

Anonymous said...

Beautiful paintings. Good luck with the show. Captain is absolutely lovely.

Kath said...

Absolutely lovely work, the exhibition will be fabulous I know.
Captain is gorgeous, he is exactly what is meant by a "family pony".

Emerald Window said...

Your paintings are evolving. I LOVE the recent ones, especially the Fox Girl. So happy to see your growth.

Madeleine said...

When, and where is your exhibition?

Is it all local artists? Or is it a solo in the Courtyard? I think you might have told me but I have forgotten :(

Karen said...

I love your new paintings! Wish I could come to the exhibition...
Captain seems to have been a part of your family before he even arrived!

Windsongs and Wordhoards said...

Just wonderful paintings! It seems your new studio is suiting you very well... I do love watercolour and yours have such a lovely feeling and pureness of colour to them...
Captain looks such a fine chap, glad he's settling into the family so well.

Gail H. Ragsdale said...

Oh Danielle! I love the three watercolors so much!

So pleased that Captain is working out. He is cool looking!

JGG said...

These paintings are truly lovely - I so wish I could see them in person. They will serve you well at your exhibition.

Tammie Lee said...

your paintings are wonderful! I wish you a show that makes you smile and smile. Lovely spring to you.

Tammie Lee said...

your paintings are wonderful! I wish you a show that makes you smile and smile. Lovely spring to you.

Madeleine said...

Could you re-create your exhibtion on this Blog? Would love to see your paintings in Exhibition setting

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

Well, I just want to say hello, and say how thrilled I am to have found your blog.
Your illustrations and photos are gorgeous, and as well your wonderful photos of these lovely animals.
I have just just joined as a follower and know I'll love to drop in now and then.

P.S. I also like crows, they're one of my favourite birds.

It's so great to learn about people all over the world and the commonalities we have. I'm from Canada. Cheers!

Madeleine said...

How is the exhibition going?

Suomi said...

You’re so awesome, man! I can’t believe I missed this blog for so long. Its just great stuff all round. Your design, man...too amazing! I can’t wait to read what you’ve got next. I love everything that you’re saying and want more, more, MORE! Keep this up, man! It’s just too good.


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