I haven't managed to paint anything else, as it is Chagford Show tomorrow, and we have been far too busy getting ready. I am so proud of the girls. They have both entered the art and craft classes, and have been working really hard on their entries. I have taken photos tonight, before their work turns to mush in the rain tomorrow! Maddy spent all yesterday making a plasticine witch, complete with cat, frog, a sprinkling of stars, and a large packed lunch. She also made a face on a paper plate ( that is the scary picture!), while Lily had to make an olympic event on a biscuit tin lid, and a vegetable dinosaur ( not pictured, as it needs it's final assembly in the morning). I meanwhile, am taking Marlene in a class tomorrow, and am beginning to get nervous, as I anticipate some serious competition. This is all new for me - I don't do competitive stuff at all, and usually pooh - pooh people who take it all too seriously, but now at the last moment I am wondering if I really have been too lackadaisical about the whole thing, and should have done a bit of practising, and set about borrowing a hat to wear. Hmm, who can I ring at nearly midnight to beg a hat from?
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