I've just finished this commission, a painting for my sister, that can be a sign for a studio and a stand alone painting. I had so much fun doing this one -I've been composing a post in my head about it all week, about the importance of roots, and the land, but suddenly it is Saturday morning of half term, and we go away in half an hour, and the clever prose has completely gone from my head, pushed aside by lists of warm underwear and wondering wether everyone has a pair of wellies that are watertight. Suffice it to say that this is a painting that is just as personal to me as it is to her :)

At Proper Job we have been busy sorting out blankets for the cold weather. So many lovely treasures this week! A pair of Welsh blankets - one vintage and one of more recent manufacture, but both lovely pieces.

Piles and piles of old woollen blankets that have been sitting in the top of the round house for a while. These are a fascinating piece of history. While unfolding them and checking for marks and moth holes, we saw that many were embroidered with the name DREWE in red wool.

And then in the corners, each had little stitched labels, indicating where they were from. This one says 'housemaid', others all had different members of the household named. Where are they from? I don't know for certain, but I imagine they are most likely to have originally been from Castle Drogo, sitting atop the Teign Gorge and looking down over the village, home of the Drewe family. A little piece of history :)

And a sneak peak at our newest arrival - although I am often being asked to take horses and ponies I usually turn them down, as I am stretched to the limit, but this boy I couldn't refuse!

Wow, I'm not surprised you couldn't turn down that lovely boy, he's stunning. I look forward to hearing his story in time.
I love the blankets, what an interesting peep into history :D
Have fun on your hols.x
I forgot to say how much I love your painting. It's absolutely gorgeous :D
OOh ooh I always wanted a "coloured horse". ! was watching a DVD last night (do you remember Jack Hargreaves?). There was a skewbald mare who no-one could cope with and she was given to a lady had trained her to dance. The secret was a hackamore.
I look forward to hearing all about your new pony xx
I have Drewes in my Devon ancestry (g.g. gran was one) but they came from Cheriton Bishop and not nearby Castle Drogo . . .
LOVE the new arrival! Beautifully marked.
The commission piece is wonderful! I love the quality of your watercolour textures and the colours, and all the little details, its great!
And then I got to the end of your post and went 'Wow, he's gorgeous!!' what a powerful shot of your new one, stunning, and Captain looks like he's trying to show off a little with his new friend! They make a fantastic pair don't they, hope he settles in well...
Have a good half term break :)
I'm dying to learn more about the new arrival :) He looks neat!
Beautiful painting, Danielle! And your new boy is gorgeous...I know nothing whatsoever about horses and ponies, but he looks lovely.
I find it fascinating, these little bits of everyday history that seem to be so much a part of everyday life in the UK. It's not something we have much of here in West OZ, our (colonial) history here is too new, we don't seem to have these links much, and we don't really value them either...I know very few people who have anything much in the way of old furniture or old household items in their homes. Things don't seem to get handed down much...the results of a 'throwaway' society I guess. And rather sad.
You do need to tell us about the new boy - he is quite magnificent. Hope he's getting on with the others?
I love Welsh blankets. I have three, and all get used in the winter. In fact, my big green one came out last Thursday night for our first frost, but has gone back away for a short while...
Beautiful painting... awesome ponies, (I'm in love with Captain)and who doesn't love wooly blankets (with history no less)!
*happy sigh* :))))
fine painting. those blankets are so beautiful! and your new boy, my, he's a looker! wow.
That painting's marvellous Danielle :) Love it!
And those historical blankets!...
How did I miss this post when it was posted I wonder! Well, here I am. Nice to know your October news, hope all is well on the farm. The painting is lovely. I often have a great post running around in my head while I'm stacking wood or something, then I sit down to write it and - oops, where did it go? Forest blessings!
really nice to see you're getting on well with him. he was always bemused with jumping (hence why I focused on his flat work more) but it's nice to see he's been brought out into the proper allrounder I knew he could be :)
he looks so well and happy, I definitely have no regrets letting him go to you and look forward to your future updates on him :)
your new one is stunning too!
need more details! :)
also, we've built a lovely shrine in rememberence of Bethan/Squeak next to the window in my room with all of her competition and last taken pictures. thank you so much for looking after her as you did, she was definitely a happier pony after coming from you right until the end :)
Thankyou everyone :)
The next post is about Wales, but I promise the one after will introduce Will properly!
Kaori, I have emailed you on the address I have for you :)
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