Wow, somehow Summer went by in a flash, and it has been 3 months since I posted here! Thank you so much to all the wonderful people who contacted me to check things were OK - it's so nice to know people are interested and care! I think I got back to you all personally, but "Thank you" again.
All is well here, it's just that life takes over in the long days of summer. From dawn to dusk I am juggling children and dogs and ponies and vegetable garden and work. It's a good life though :)
Now the weather is changing and the nights are drawing in there is finally time to get back to the computer and play catch-up. But where to start? The more time passes, the more daunting the task of updating the blog! So instead, for today, I'll answer the most often asked question : How is Captain getting on?
Now the weather is changing and the nights are drawing in there is finally time to get back to the computer and play catch-up. But where to start? The more time passes, the more daunting the task of updating the blog! So instead, for today, I'll answer the most often asked question : How is Captain getting on?

He has been to Pony Club Camp, jumped a clear round showjumping at 1' 6", taken the Fey-daughter through her Riding and Road Safety test, and 'C' test, and learnt to ignore sheep and llamas (although he is still wary of large fur ball cats - quite wisely - Kitty is a force to be reckoned with!). Yesterday, watching him jump, I saw him prick his ears, pick up canter, and take himself in to the jump. Such progress from the baby pony we had at the start of the summer! They are happy with each other, and ready to take on the world!

Good heavens! It took me a few minutes to remember who you are and where you live. You are the lady from Chagford if I am not mistaken and ancestral home of Lord Clifford.
Nice photos of your horses.
Be well.
I always love your pony updates! Hope your knee is doing better and am looking forward to seeing Captain in your art :)
I am glad to see you back here in blog land. The photo of Captain and your daughter hugging his head shows so much love, it is beautiful to see.
I hope your knee heals quickly.
Great to see you back and to read the update on Captain. He looked a super pony to start with and now sounds like he's coming on in leaps and bounds. Trust is a wonderful thing to have in a pony. Glad he's doing well at PC too. I miss my PC instructor days. My holiday every year was PC Camp!
LOVELY photos - especially the one of your daughter and Captain having a cuddle at the stable door.
Mel, that's me, the Chagford lady :)
Gail and Terra - Thankyou - the knee is mending, although my pride is still a little damaged!
Bovey Belle - Camp was the highlight of my year as a child too. It's funny watching from the outside as a parent. I find myself worrying just as much about Captain as I did about my daughter! He is a gem though :)
Great to see you here again. I thought of writing as I was wondering if all was OK, but unlike others, I never did! Glad all is well...
Yay! I'm so pleased to hear all's well, and 'life', the family, and the ponies are all well. I spent my childhood in a boarding school, and my pony kept me sane, so I've loved following your happy family/pony experiences. Thanks for sharing them with us.
you are back and all is well, and there is good pony news. he's such a fine boy! be good to and take care of yourself, too.
I'm so glad I dropped by on the off-chance. I hadn't got any updates on my Blog dashboard and thought I'd come over and see if all was well.
All this lovely news. I shall enjoy a long visit.
Happy October my friend.
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