I celebrated my birthday last weekend. It coincided with Chagford Carnival, and I so I spent the evening wearing a giant bee, and trying to negotiate it's 5 metre wingspan through the narrow village streets. Luckily I had lots of small helpers to lift wings over obstacles! It was a fun, if tiring way to spend the day, and I sorely needed a glass of wine or two by the end.
But the birthday gave me an idea. I'm not sure if it is a brainwave, or actually a rather daft idea - maybe you can tell me? I spent ages dreaming of what to spend my little bit of birthday money on, what lovely treat I would like for myself. In the end, I had to pay the garage bill with it, but it left me yearning for lovely things for myself. So, I thought about trading. I'm all for a bit of bartering, and I know that often people don't like to ask, in case others are offended. Often I have to say 'no', because I need the money so badly, but I thought that just in celebration of my birthday, I would offer to trade with anyone that wants to. I'm happy to trade anything in my shop, prints or originals, or even to do commissioned work, if there is something specific you would like. In return, show me what treasures you have to offer! I may not be able to say yes to everything - sadly, my wall space is very full, so there isn't room for many more pictures, though I can always make exceptions. I could of course be very specific about my birthday wish list (jewellery, particularly a hare pendant, some knitted arm warmers, good books, more music................) but actually, I'm interested to see what wonderful things other people create.
So what do you think? Would anyone be up for a bit of bartering? Drop me an email through my profile page HERE if you want to trade :)

Oh you are a good sport wearing that Bee costume :D
Fabulous costume!! And you had wings for the day...:)
Trading is a lovely idea, & I know what you mean about it being a weird subject to approach. You don't want to get inundated with more than you can commit to :)
Any time you see something you like of mine, whatever it may be (I am branching into all sorts of creative crafty things...lol)do feel free to bring it up! xx
Happy Birthday! That bee costume is cute!
Great costume, and I know what you mean about spending money where it's needed. I hope you do some good trading :D
What a great birthday idea! I make quilts too, even bed sized if that interests you???
Belated birthday wishes, Danielle. I love your magical winged costume. :) What a great idea about the bartering! It is something I hope to do more of in times to come. Bright wishes, dear one. xx
Happy trading Danielle! I love the idea of bartering, did a bit recently myself by painting a front door in exchange for guitar lessons! I hope you post any treasures you find :) x
I would like that boy in the photo please - I'll trade you hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...maybe a Jack Russell!
Great costume!
Trading is a lovely idea. Is there a massage therapist who would take an international credit card? I would be happy to barter an hour long massage for a print. Let me know.
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