At Last, I have finally listed the Hare quilts for sale. They are NOT in the Etsy shop, but currently HERE on the gallery pages of this blog. If you are interested, do email me :)

The latest Quilt, 'The Hare Wheel' is very nearly finished, although this is progressing painfully slowly. Time is so short on these long summer days, I rarely come indoors until the light is fading. Quilting is definitely better suited to winter evenings.

Here is Daisy dog, in terrible disgrace.
Friday was a bad day in her eyes, right from the start. I was out all day, and she hates to be left behind. To add to that, when I returned home, I had to take Magpie to the vets to have the dressing removed from her tail, revealing a nicely healing cut with 8 neat staples in it ( that's a story for another time!). Daisy was left behind BY HERSELF, which she was most put out about. Later we all went out to a barbecue, and the dogs were left behind AGAIN. ( I hasten to point out that in between being left at home, they had been for two good walks). Several glasses of wine later, we wobbled home, and were horrified by the scene that met our eyes when we opened the front door. Magpie had chewed all the staples out of tail, and re-opened her cut, and due to the extreme wagginess of her tail, had flicked blood all over the kitchen. Daisy, meanwhile, had decided to remove half the stuffing from the sofa, and there was fluffy wadding everywhere. Luckily Steve and I both saw the funny side of it, particularly as Daisy was so racked with guilt that she was unable to look at us. Magpie, on the other hard, spent the rest of the evening staring mournfully at us, mortified at being made to wear the 'cone of shame'.

He likes to play with Sandpiper, who is much more tolerant than his mother, even though he keeps chewing her legs.

That pony is adorable. You make beautiful quilts. Give your doggies a pat from the Camp Host Housewife!
Naughty dogs are so cute, aren't they? It's so hard to be angry with them. Your hare quilts are fabulous. Makes me want to skip over the moon...
Lovely animals and
eccentric images..
The quilts are fabulous, as is your Kestrel. Poor little doggies, with their mischief and mayhem, and fortunately you saw a bit of humor in the scene.
Oh my goodness... that sounds like a horrible scene! Glad you did found the humor in it. I tend to laugh at naughty animal things. What a shot of Daisy!
And that Kestrel sure is handsome! Hope you can mend the sofa... and the tail!
Oh dear! Dogs, gotta love em! At least you saw the funny side of the situation. I can't help but crack up when my dog does something naughty but then gives you that 'oh dear, I'm in trouble now' look!
Kestrel is the most beautiful little thing, and I love her name, it really suits her :)
Whoops, forgot to say - the quilts are stunning!! :D
I like your new quilt - you are the same as me. I really want to quilt but the garden is so much more urgent. It's a difficult tug of war!
Oh dear, poor Daisy. She does look repentant, don't you think?
Hi! I just found your blog and i love it!
The quilts are gorgeous Danielle :)I find quilting really difficult in the winter because our house is so very dark but the evenings indoors would be perfect for it! I need to get a decent lamp don't I? ;o) xx
Well, they make sure you "got the message" didnt they? LOL
That foal is so devine (sigh)
Oh, that look of guilt! Thank goodness Daisy didn`t find your beautiful quilts......
Kestrel is a stunning foal.
You might be interested to see the Appaloosa stallion and his foals on my most recent blog post.
Thank goodness it happened after you'd been to the pub, nothing like some wine to ensure things don't get taken too seriously. Love the 'guilty' expression.
Kestrel is coming along lovely, and the hares are wonderful.
You certainly have an aesthetically pleasing blog.
Such beautiful quilts, will end up as someones heirloom and treasured for generations.
Such a cute character your foal.
Very cool blog! Please follow us back and comment!
I visit your blog first time. It is so nice and beautiful. Your idea of this blog i like. I love cats a lot.
Oh no! No-one can do the "I'm SOOO sorry, I can't imagine WHAT I was thinking!" look quite like a dog! Love the quilts, but I'm not surprised the 'Hare Wheel' is taking a long time...all that stitched text!
great blog
Aaaw, little Kestrel is so totally adorable. I'm sooo foal broody now :)
oh my gosh, Kestral is absolutely beautiful. What an awesome feeling it must be to be aorund horses, they are amazing creatures.
I'm laughing about Daisy pouting for being left behind all day, my dog Boozer so does not like to be left behind, never does bad stuff, but boy do i feel guilty! A dog we had years ago though, that one ate a couch :(
What a pretty little foal. They are fun aren't they?
Hi I found you thru Wonderousstrange! Your quilts are beautiful! My husbands from Scotland and I miss living there with him. We love beans tho lol! Beans on toast yummy! I think Ill follow you! Cheers~Janet from SingingwoodCome visit me!
Love the animal forms and colors in the work, and what beautiful horses!
Well done on becoming blog of note a few days ago :)
if anyone reading this has spare time please could you visit my blog "thoughts from holmes", which I think you'll find both witty and interesting, and become a follower if you like.
The URL is: http://thoughtsfromholmes.blogspot.com/
Thanks!! :D
Awww cute horses!
Kestrel is so handsome,what a beauty . I think Daisy's face pretty much says it all, they can't be good all the time ...Lol
I have dogs myself and they do know how to get their revenge. Then give you those I'm sorry Mom eyes. Your pony is adorable and I'm sure you have a lot of pleasure watching him. I like your artwork and pictures.
haha - you can TOTALLY see the guilt written all over Daisy. Kestral is SO CUTE!!
- The Equestrian Vagabond
Your Daisy is Beautiful!!! I have two German Shepherds, Ruby and a while one, Spirit.
We've been wanting to have horses, again. Your blog is just inspiring to me. Thank You!
wow...i love the horses...nice shot...
I know how hard it is to keep all of the dogs happy when we get so busy in the summer...and go lots of places. Poor Daisey...those eyes. Pretty good on your part to be able to laugh at the situation!
That young man is going to be quite a looker! He's adorable...his hip line is beautiful. You must be very excited about him.
What a wonderful blog you have, I will be back to visit often.
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