This is the reason there has been no painting of late. The daily chores seem to take up most of the day in this weather! Luckily the ponies all seem fairly content to be out in the snow, as long as they have plenty of hay to eat. As you can see, little Austin is so well insulated with his Highland coat that the snow just settles on his back without melting. It doesn't appear to bother him in the least.

Even the children are doing their bit to help. You can never have enough logs for the fire.
Thankfully it seems to be thawing out. There is more heavy snow predicted for this afternoon, but I find it hard to believe - it's too mild out there, and I suspect it is more likely to come as rain.

That looks like a lot of hard work!! Walking in snow & on ice seems to make me feel 10 times more tired than I should!
Hopefully the big freeze is almost over & we can all get back to normal :)
Nice pictures. I remember when we had cattle, going out to feed. I liked doing it because the animals were so appreciative, and it wasn't cold work at all--provided its own warmth, as you say!
We're having similar weather in the states, at least where I live. It has snowed every day since the new year, little bits sometimes, several inches other times.This week it's expected to warm up and then we'll have a mess of ice, snow, and mud. THAT I am not looking forward to!
Winter does make it hard to get to art doesn't it! Here in SW USA we havent had snow for a bit but it is so cold- the few feet on the ground is staying around- we have to burrow under it to get to our wood pile and there is a ice cornice slowly sliding off my studio roof- blocking the sun!
What lovely photos. I had a Highland pony from a foal, who was bred at the NAsh End stud in Gloucs. Her father was a Broadshade pony from Scotland. I had many ponies over the years, but she had the kindest and most calm temperament. As a youngster, in hand, she would be asked to accompany older ponies on the roads.
I just love the feeling of the animals being fed and taken care of when it's cold, don't you? And they appreciate it so much..and when I get back into the warm house, I feel good about it all...life is good! Come say hi :D
Austin looks so cute! It does sound like a lot of work, but it also looks like a pleasure to have horses. I hope the weather warms up for you.
We don't have any snow but we are having a hard time keeping ice broken so the horses can drink. I am working a little less now and in spurts. I enjoy winter though for the most part and would even like a little more snow.
You must have got quite hot under all that! It looks lovely though and it must feel quite satisfying knowing you're making the animals happier :)
Pushing the wheelbarrow in the snow is the hardest! I keep telling myself to get a sled to haul the hay on...like your doing with the wood. But, the sled will need tall sides so I don't loose all the hay.
Good to see you're out of the snow now.
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