I did something totally out of character for me last week, and modelled for a photo shoot for the Proper Job 'sustainable styling' event. This was quite a big deal for me - I am usually to be found in the scruffiest of baggy clothes, covered in hay and dog hair, and I certainly don't possess any make - up. But my sister, who was organising it, as well as doing the photography, persuaded me to do it, as they wanted women of all shapes and sizes. Well, I had a ball! It was wonderful to be pampered, and have someone do my hair, and another do my make up - I felt like a princess! The reaction from my children, when I finally got home, brought me down a peg or two - my eldest daughter burst into tears, and my small son said " you look disgusting Mummy!". I guess I'll stick to no make up from now on!
So, for anyone who is in the Chagford area, the christmas 'Get The Look ' party is in the Jubilee Hall, Chagford on the 4th December from 6.30. There will be lots of recycled fashion for sale at very low prices, as well as styling advice, and you can book a 15 minute slot for a hair and make up session with hair dresser Becky Butler and profesional make up artist Kate Webber.
More info from Proper Job or 'Sustainable Styling'
you look lovely! nice to put a face to the blog :o)
Wow! What a stunning picture. You look fab :)
I know what you mean about not wearing make up and being covered in bits of hay etc... I had a similar reaction from my son when I got 'dressed up' once! He compared me to a lady of the night!!! haha, but my daughter said I looked like a Princess, so a little conflict of opinions there :)
Wow! You look fabulous and glam, Danielle. What a beautiful picture. It's nice to be pampered every now and again - what a treat! So glad that you enjoyed yourself. As for the children's reactions, they are so used to seeing their beautiful Mummy without make-up that it must have been a shock to see you transformed. I remember when my son was very young. I had a completely new hairstyle and he cried when I appeared with the new hair-do because he didn't recognise me! Isn't it strange! Anyway, you're gorgeous with or without the glam. x
You look exquisite Danielle!!!
You look beautiful! Love the outfit too. :)
Oh Danielle...You look sophisticated and beautiful..Like a Jane Austen Novel...
Our children see us a certain way...and they dont like change much lol..But you look amazing.
I agree, with Sonia its just what I was going to say, I always loved my Mum looking glam,when I was young,and later, but friends i noticed were quite rude to thier mums when they dressed up a bit, One even said her mother didnt look like a proper Mother she meant... downtrodden. You look fantastic, Its good for the soul to feel athe inner princess sometimes, between the mud and horse hair.. Lindax
Danielle, what a fantastic photo! You look gorgeous!
Danielle, that must have been a real treat, you look stunning, and i love your top. Trust children to bring us back down to earth, last time i ever dressed"up" my boy said i looked as though i was in fancy dress lol bless!
You are beautiful and I love the outfit. But the outfit does not make you, nor the makeup...you are just beautiful no matter what! Come say hi :D
Lovely! You look great and I love the photo. It's nice to do something so out of the ordinary...don't mind what your kids said LOL...enjoy the memories from a wonderful day~
You look very Glam!! I wear comfortable clothes and rarely dress up. It's hilarious that your children didn't like you looking different, mine are just the same! In years to come people will find these photos and think you looked like that all the time! ;)xx
Thankyou everyone for such kind and uplifting comments. Isn't it funny how children dislike change in their parents?
oh you look so beautiful!! like a medieval Princess..
...don't feel bad about your children's comments... if they are anything like mine, they dislike change more than adults do...
I wrote this before I saw your last comment ... guess we think alike!!!!
this is a wonderful portrait of you, elegant and quite the magical top. That must of been nice to be cared for as you had your hair and makeup done.
You look absolutely stunning and elegant in that picture! Just gorgeous.
Oh Danielle! You look lovely! What a wonderful photo of you!
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