Hare Girl
Hmmm, I grant you this is a rather tenuous link to the IF topic this week, but still, Theatre is all about taking on another persona, and becoming someone else, albeit temporarily!
I really can't scan this one properly - it is far more contrasty than the original, but after an hour of trying to adjust it I've given up. My scanner is usually pretty good, but it just doesn't seem to cope with this combination of green and rusty red.
Don't forget, the draw for the Sepia Hare painting doesn't close until the end of the day, so there is still time to sign up if you fancy it! Sign up here.
This piece is so captivating....your work is amazing!!
A lovely image. It reinds me of a sculpture I made at college about the 'Donkeyskin' fairy tale. It was of a kneeling girl with a donkey's head and skin wrapped around her.x
Another lovely painting, Danielle and it does fit well for the theme!
Beautiful concept.
I agree with your take on the concept--theater taking on another persona. I wonder, though, if the issue of an audience makes a difference--that perhaps if you're doing it for someone else then it's theater, but if you're doing it solely for yourself it isn't. I've actually been thinking about this issue all week from looking at a number of different people's images.
I really like this one, by the way. It's much more somber and serious than the owl-girl--which is perhaps what got me thinking about purposes. She's taking care of something really basic. Lovely!
It's lovely in the scan and I'm sure beautiful in person! I hate it when you can't get something to look like it's suppose to when you scan it.
Stunning Danielle!! As usual!!!
Ren x
tenuous link, but great piece!
Lovely texture...
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