I spent yesterday afternoon down at Proper Job, trying to sort through the portacabin which is going to be the bric-a-brac shop. It's a pretty daunting task - stuffed to overflowing with boxes and sacks of stuff, but it's good to see it starting to get organised. There is a phenomenal amount of kitchenware! Pots and pans ( and several woks that appear to have never been used), cake tins and jelly moulds, and piles and piles of china. Every kitchen implement you could ever imagine needing, and enough oven proof dishes to cook for an army. I love rummaging through and sorting this out. I even found a barely used mini frying pan, perfect for cooking eggs in. At 50p, that came home with me!

There are hundreds and hundreds of glasses - so many are in sets, and some are so fine and delicate I can't imagine using them without breaking. Wine glasses, and sherry glasses, and cocktail glasses, and cut glass bowls in every size and shape you could ever want.

Magpie came with me, in disgrace and feeling very sorry for herself. During the night she stole and ate a tub of margarine, and spent the first half of the day throwing up. Unfortunately she insisted on doing this indoors, at my feet, despite being out in the porch and garden for most of the morning. She specifically chose to come in and be sick on the living room floor. I'm afraid I was rather lacking in sympathy.
And now, Jana Johnson has made a great youtube video showcasing the work of some of the WHOA equine artists. This one features Unicorns, and includes one of my paintings. Do check it out!
Hi, nice of you to call by my blog. You have some lovely work here. Poor Magpie, he looks so forlorn!
LOL - loved the youtube pics - wonderful work!!! Love your piece! I adore second hand shops!!!
Poor Magpie - guessing the margarine mess was not fun - so sorry!!!
I would be in my 7th heaven down there! I'd end up buying half the stuff myself! Poor Magpie, i reckon that won't happen again in a hurry! xXx
Danielle thanks for visiting my blog. I hope your Magpie feels better soon. :)
Poor Magpie! You know I read something very intersting about margarine once. It is supposedly one molecule away from being plastic and that if left outside flies won't even land on it.I can't imagine it's true, but I did switch to butter just in case.
BTW,I've left you an award on my blog today.
The Youtube is great!
Your blog is breathe taking. It has a great appeal.
I like your blog……
Major says he hopes Magpie is feeling better.
wouldn't I love to have been rummaging around in there with you.. just up my alley...
I can relate about how you felt when your Magpie did her deed... by something that happened to our pet dog, Honey, (a litle one I had a long time ago,) one evening after Christmas.. We had been out visiting and when we returned., Honey met us at the door panting heavily as if she needed water badly and we thought we must not have had water out for her and we felt badly... so we scolded ourselves and poured her a big fresh bowl of water and said "Here you go girl, poor little thing!!""... she drank it down faster than a speeding bullet and begged for more.. so we obliged, But were very surprised by her behaviour ,, till we went into the living room and saw all the bowls of christmas candy gone and on the floor empty...
Can't remember her ever eating candy again after that!!
Oh my, Magpie { I simply adore that name} the things we learn the hard way. I'm afraid you and Tessa { my youngest rescue dog} would be perfect little partners in crime. Hope your tum is ok now, but poor mama having to deal with your naughty mess !
Poor Magpie. How could you not feel sorry for her with such a pitiful expression on that face??
Danielle dear, these dogs have our number in spades. Look at those eyes, they could melt marble. So she is not only feeling guilty but I am sure hoping you would feel guilty as well for not having loved to clean the floor and - I hope not - your shoes.
Ours, still puppies, chew the bottom of an antique Chinese cabinet, wood that survived over a hundred years was promptly shredded into little splinters. They were astonished at my scream and I am sure they wondered what could I have seen that I nearly fainted. You have to love them.
Poor lil' Magpie...I'm sure she didn't feel well at all; bet that was an awful mess to clean up...yuck!
Loved all those pieces on the video...
Isn't there a rule - when pets need to barf the first place to aim is furniture. If they can't manage furniture, then at least hit the rug or carpet. Last choice is an easy clean surface like wood or linoleum.
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