Eeek! It's Thursday evening, and I can see I've no chance of finishing this illustration in time! I knew it was a bit ambitious when I began - rain, mud, and the sudden advance of Christmas have just completely finished me this week. So I thought I had better post it as it is.
Wonderful idea and expressions ;)
Are you planning to finish watercolor and post here?
I'm secretly glad you haven't finished it yet because I get to see how you work :) This is going to be gorgeous when it's finished!x
Its wonderful.... and looks very much like the chaps who work at Proper job! Have they escaped via balloon????? And you sketched them just as they headed off into the great blue yonder! Well done!
Dont worry - I WILL finish it and post it!
Ren - He, he, yes they coyly agree to model as sky - pirates for me! I promised to show them the finished piece ;-)
Good for you, for getting as much done as you did!
Its wonderful... Looking forward to seeing it finished :)
Its wonderful even not finished absolutly beautiful work you do.
Danielle, your work thrills me every time... gorgeous lines!
Dannielle, this is wonderful, can't wait to see it finished.. :)
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