I originally had bigger plans for this weeks Illustration Friday , but then reality set in, and I had to acknowledge the fact that I have deadlines and commissions waiting, and must stop procrastinating. So, I just did a little bit of procrastinating , and came up with this mini illustration, entitled " Mavis was startled on her way to the Post Office "
And another offering, a little gothic portrait to get you in the mood for halloween, called "The Haunting of Mrs Wilkins". Mrs Wilkins could always hear the voices behind her, the incessant whispering of her husbands two previous wives - constantly speculating on the likely manner of the 3rd Mrs Wilkins demise. Both are for sale on Etsy :)
Lovely Blog you have here! Edward and I have enjoyed our visit very much!
Danielle,need your email & snailmail for Santa, I know I had them once havent a clue where though,Lindax
Thanks for stopping by my little blog, and for leaving such a nice comment! How neat to have grown up with peacocks in your yard---they are so pretty! And so is your lovely artwork :)
Take care, Ivy
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