The girls were out today - they have been taking part in 'Peerifool', a film that is being made by Chagford Filmmaking Group , a local band of enthusiastic filmmakers and lovers of folk tales, headed by the effervescent Elizabeth-Jane Baldry ,an extremely talented musician and Harpist.
This gave me the oppotunity to get busy painting today! I had a new delivery of watercolour board, and more Indian Ink -I sooo love Indian Ink - it makes me feel so liberated to use my dip pen, and work quickly! I very easily get bogged down in details as a rule, and find my style getting quite constricted, and the Indian Ink frees up my hands again.
Here is a new Falcon, and an animal I have a rather love/ hate relationship with - the pygmy goat. In my early teens, I worked weekends and holidays at a local tourist attraction, which had a flock of pygmy goats, which seemed to do nothing but escape. I spent most of my time wrestling goats by their horns off picnic tables, to an audience of screaming visitors.
A stubborn Nanny goat, that is determined to finish all the
sandwiches and crisps, is very difficult to drag away. The bigger , far more elegant Anglo-Nubian goats, on the other hand, were much more interested in following the ancient Dumper Truck around the farm, noses to the exhaust as it belched out black smoke, apparently getting high on the fumes.
These are both listed on Etsy
I have also spent the day in email correspondence with the forestry commission, and various local government archeology departments, trying to find records about the Fernworthy sites. Everyone has been so helpful - I am really impressed. Anyway, most of it is in out of print books, or papers, but I now know where to find the records in their library in Exeter. I think a library session may need to wait until the school holidays are over, but I am looking forward to it!
Love all the new artwork and photos! How magical your realm is:)
I love your style and the simplicity in which you execute greatly detailed work.
As you know, I'm already a huge fan of your work! Absolutely brilliant..... every single time.
This was so funny about the goats, my friend had a anglo nubian, sometimes we would find him stood on top of the stables roofs, or usually just not there,escaped again, he was like Houdini!
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