Friday, 25 January 2013

A new work begins.

And so the next project begins to unfold. Slowly, slowly. Fold being the operative word here - the rough sketches and collage for the first piece are enormous - over 6 foot long, and so I am constantly trying to fold and move large sheets of paper. The main sheet was sellotaped temporarily to the kitchen wall, so I could see the whole thing.

It's far too big for my kitchen table, sheets of paper and scribbles, concertinaed across the workspace.

The small rough painting is much easier to work with

And here are pages from my sketchbook, cut up and stuck together into another long strip, giving a 360 degree panoramic view of Greyweathers and the skyline behind.
This is how the Stone Circles project begins.

It will be stitched, and patched, and woven. Layer upon layer, age upon age. A project that is about healing, and anchoring, and mapping the bones of this land.


Virginia said...

Ooh Danielle! This project sounds so exciting - and scary! Please let us see how it goes during the creation process. Keep safe amidst all your slippery slidey weather!

Kath said...

oh I am very excited about this!

You know, I just love that tree, I was so happy you showed it again!

Yarrow said...

Wow, an exciting project, Danielle. I'm looking forward to seeing it unfold :D

A mermaid in the attic said...

Danielle, this project sounds amazing! Looking forward to following you as you journey through it!

Valerianna said...

Excitement is palpable! I'm excited, too.

Em Parkinson said...

I can't wait to see this when it's finished Danielle. You sound excited about it too which is brilliant.

Dianne said...

Wow this is exciting, I will enjoy seeing you progress, and I know it will be fantastic, so good luck and have fun...

Danielle Barlow said...

Kath - I love my tree too :)

Virginia - it is exciting, and a little daunting too. I think it is going to take years!

Danielle Barlow said...

I'm hoping it will be a slow growing project for my evenings. Seriously, I imagine it will take a at least a couple of years to complete, so don't hold your breath for the finished work! I will post progress reports though :)

Rachel said...

This sounds like a really interesting project. I can't wait to see more of it as it develops.

Elisabeth Black said...

gorgeous, inspiring

Terri Windling said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. As always, you are conjuring true magic.


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