I have spent the last two days slaving over a christmas card design. (Actually, that's not true - I have spent the whole of the past week working on it, but the first picture went in the bin because it annoyed me so much). In true Barlow style, I have finished it too late to actually print it up and send to anyone, so I guess it may have to wait until next year.....
My smallest son, at home yesterday, decided to make his own version of it. It only took him half an hour, and to be honest I think it totally outclasses mine as a card design!

In the meantime, the Fundraiser for Terri Windling, over on Livejournal, has been growing beyond all belief! It's drawing to a close now, with only a day to go, but do pop over and see what new treasures have been offered.
This Stag Beetle embroidery is offered by my sister, Angharad Barlow. The listing is HERE.

And I added another piece to the pot, or at least a potential piece. As well as a choice of 3 prints from my Transformations series, I am offering to paint a custom portrait of YOU (or someone else if you want) with your animal totem, as an addition to this series. I really enjoy painting these and look forward to doing another! If you want to bid, go HERE.

And thinking of these little portraits, brought me on a meandering road to this, which I discovered earlier. Charles De Lint is one of my favourite authors - not so well known here in the UK, I found his work a few years ago when I first started exploring animal totems and transformation in my paintings. A customer suggested I read 'Someplace To Be Flying', which I did, and was smitten! Things came full circle, because a couple of years later, Terri Windling bought the original of the little Crow Girl painting as a gift for Charles himself.
You can find more music by him, and MaryAnn Harris HERE (and CDs are on special offer until the end of the week!)
Well, your design will make a gorgeous Christmas card next year. I read several of Charles De Lint's books that feature the huge magical house and like his writing. How neat he has one of your paintings; I recall the Crow Sisters being in the books.
Love the xmas card design! That's usually my trick of course...not finishing in time to print it as cards! LOL :)
Always good to have one done a year in advance though!
I LOVE Charles De Lint's books. Love them.
How fabulous that Terri gave him one of your paintings :)
On that note... I might have to pay a visit to Ebay & see if I can find a new one to read. I think I have about 4 of his books so far...want them all!
Hope you guys have a fabulous Christmas xxxx
Thankyou for introducing me to Charles De Lint! I've just been over to listen to that song :-)
So glad to know someone else had trouble with their card designs this year too! Yours came out lovely and will be a gorgeous card for next year :)
Just calling in on Christmas Eve to wish you and your family a Happy Christmas. Hopefully we will not be trudging out to feed our respective ponies in deep snow as we did last year!
Well, I didn't get my cards made this year either, so I'm joining the club. Your son has a great eye for design, I love it ! Merry Christmas !!!
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