6 x 4 inches watercolour painting
So, it's Giveaway time! I'd like to say a HUGE thankyou to everyone who follows this blog. As promised I have a little original painting to offer up in a draw. In fact, you have the choice of either of these chalk hares - summer or winter. All you have to do is leave a comment saying which one you would prefer to win. I will draw all names out of a hat ( or maybe the Random Number Generator) once comments have closed on Sunday night (17th October) at 9pm UK time. Good luck ;-)

And as we strolled through the meadow last night in the evening sun, the ponies shone in the golden light. Sandpiper is the colour of a polished conker!

The ponies look so beautiful in the sun!
I love the chalk hare paintings. If I am lucky enough to win one, the summer hare would be my choice. The green is so peaceful.
Gorgeous!! I couldn't possibly decide...I guess I'd want to be surprised!! :)
~ Carolee
it's a hard choice but I think I like summer hare the most, its very colorful..
I love the ponies too.. are they Dartmoors?
The summer one is beautiful and reminds me of Avebury . . .
Lovely horsey pictures. Sometimes I miss my Fahly-horse so much it really physically HURTS. Your foaly has REALLY grown! Sandpiper is a delicious colour too.
I was down your way today - and gave you a wave from Bovey Tracey, but I think a few hills were in the way . . .
I agree with Carolee - I couldn't possibly choose which one - I'd trust the fates to decide for me! (and thanks to Carolee for steering me to your lovely blog)
Your horses are beautiful! If I were the winner, I too would select the summer hare painting. I can never get enough of the growing season!
Crikey .... how to choose, they are both lovely. I do however love the blues you have chosen for the winter painting.
They're lovely!
I would choose winter hare. Absolutely beautiful.
I love the winter chalk hare .. although they're both beautiful pieces of art.
Your horses are beautiful, as are the drawings.
I would have to say winter I love the blue tones and the moth.
Sunday is my birthday.... so maybe I'll be lucky! If I am, I;d love summer... I have a thing for bees... well, and moths, too, but I love the light coming through the trees in the summer painting.
i wish i were there to pet those ponies. and to smell them. lovely chalk hares, the wintery one is etherial.
Love them both Danielle, but if I had to choose, I'd go for the Winter Hare...only because we see so little of winter here, and far, far too much of summer! Sandpiper is the colour of polished jarrah!
If I was lucky enough to win - I would have to choose the winter hare.
They are both lovely. I would love to have the summer hare, though, just because the bee is so cute! I really like reading your blog -- where you live and the way you live sounds so interesting, and I really enjoy the pictures of your horses, garden, etc.
I love that photo of the two ponies -- and 'conker' is one of my favorite colors.
I would like the summer one. I love the bee! This is a hard choice because I love the tree shadows in the winter one.
The chalk paintings are gorgeous. I love them both :D
The ponies look so well and healthy in their fluffy winter coats :D
What are those two considering together in the bottom photo! Looks interesting.
They are beautiful, especially the wild rose and the bee in the summer picture.
The ponies are positively glowing in the sun! Lovely, both paintings - wouldn't be able to choose between them!
A Facebook friend, Jennifer MacNeill Traylor, posted a link to your page. I'm glad she did because your work is lovely! Tell your husband he's nuts, I have Nubians and would LOVE some beautiful goat art! ;)You giveaway is a fantastic idea.... and the art itself is inspirational. My family and I live on six acres, and I call it the bubble. Out side the world is prickly, but inside we live a charmed life. Your "Chalk Hare" paintings seem to be representing our bubble. The farm is most at peace at night, so the Winter version is the most appealing to me.... but all of your work is beautiful, original and a little magical. Do you paint individuals (horses, dogs, goats, etc) for your customers?
Its a lovely gesture to give away a painting... I've been really enjoying following your blog... though if my number should come up its a very hard choice, I love them both! I've gone all indecisive!
Danielle, I love viewing your blog posts! To read about your beautiful ponies, your planting and harvests, seeing images of your gorgeous countryside, and of course your amazing art and creations!
I too would be very happy to be included in your giveaway. Picking between summer and winter...both are gorgeous...I would choose summer, to remind me of the warmth that has left, and has now been replaced by the chill of coming winter.
Thank you so much Danielle, for this wonderful blog, and for this fantastic giveaway!
Lovely pony photos!
Lovely paintings. The winter one if especially evocative of that season.
Your ponies are beautiful. They have such elegant curves and glowing colors. :)
Love the night scene! And that golden glow on yoru precious ponies... love that too!
I like to look at "Chalk Hare - Winter" the great thing about this picture,its a winter picture that don't make me feel cold. Would look great on the wall behind my computer.
Beautiful artwork! I love both but the winter scene is magical.
I enjoy following your blog very much, the chance of a painting is a wonderful extra. I love the way the Winter Hare pops against the hill the most although the rose and bee are lovely too.
I'm afraid of horses (and ponies but less so) irl but your photos of and and stories about them are great.
I adore your photos and paintings. I have to say I love the Summer painting a bit more. I'm a summer person. ;)
Lovely pony photos. They do look well.
I would love to own the summer hare, she would look divine in my new home here in Glastonbury, where she would be surrounded by majic.
Your Ponies are gorgeous!! That light is wonderful...my favortie time of day, truly!
I LOVE the hues of the night...version fo "Chalk Hare- winter" It is, as all your works..simply marvelous!
Hi Danielle
Nice to see your gang is enjoying the Autumn sunshine we're having at the moment!
I would love to enter your giveaway - either picture would be fine with me!
so sweet of you to have this lovely give away! both your paintings are charming and lovely. I think the summer would be my choice... but it was hard to choose.
I have been enjoying your/my little halloween witch painting that I bought from you a couple years ago, it is so sweet always, but especially in this season.
lovely day to you.
Love your pony photos... they do shine don't they? Were I to win one of your beautiful paintins, I would wish for the Winter Hare... love that blue!
Me, Me, Me!!! I love your work! Be sure to enter me!
Great photos of the ponies too!
I love your conker pony. Such a lush velvet coat. Such Autumnal colours in your photos. I like both pictures very much!
I <3 the winter chalk hare.
Also, you could mail a pony to the states for me? ha! jokes.
Hi there!! I am from Brazil and I love so much your blog, I would be so glad if I am the winner!! (sorry, my english is no very good!). I have already even decided where I am gonna to put it!!!
I prefer the first picture.
I'm with everyone else.. haha...it's very difficult to pick a favourite as they are both gorgeous!
But I am drawn to the blues & quiet moths of winter :)
Wow wonderful work that speaks to the heart, I would be pleased to win either chalk hare original as they are both so evocative of their season and each season has its own feel, scents, and wonderful magic. There is always grace and olde worlde magic when there is a hare around. What a wonderful giveaway from a very special talent in a very beautiful part of the country. Your work is a visual feast. Thank you for sharing.
they are both so beautiful! I love hares, I have a beautiful white hare from karens etsy shop (moonlight and hares) and would absolutely love the winter hare to hang alongside it!
I am not a summer lover- I love the magic of autumn, of frosty mornings, of winter-bare trees....
Leanne x
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