She's finished, my interpretation of the goddess, Eostre. The colour is slightly darker here than in the original, because I can't get the colour quite right with my camera ( it is too large for my scanner). So this is another that will have to wait until I get in to Exeter to the printers studio for some professional scans.
Folklore tells us that Eostre was an Anglo - Saxon goddess, celebrated during the fourth month of the year. She represents new life and fertility, and is symbolised by eggs and hares. It is often assumed that the Christian Festival of Easter took it's name from this, hence the traditions of Easter Eggs and Easter Bunnies in Western Europe, ( which, let's face it, have nothing to do with the crucifixion and subsequent Resurrection of Christ) though it would appear that there is scant written evidence to prove this. The only mention of Eostre in historical texts, is by the Venerable Bede (672 - 735 AD) in his work' De Temporum Ratione' .

Progress continues with 'The Hare Wheel', but very slowly. I am laboriously stitching words in the last hours of my evenings, slowly, slowly filling up the wheel.

A wander round my garden today found that my beautiful, silky rich, deepest crimson hellebore flowers had opened. I love these, grown from seed many years ago, the clumps quietly expand each year, untouched in the shadiest part of my garden, blooming in all their Gothic beauty each Easter.

And this is Daisy, come to stay for a while. I've known her since she was about 10 weeks old (she's only just over a year now) but her people's circumstances have unavoidably changed recently, and so she was in need of a new home. She has come to stay, to see how she likes being here, and she seems to have settled right in. We all love her lots ( we did anyway, before she came) and Magpie seems to like her too, which was my biggest worry, as I didn't want Magpie to feel pushed out. The cats are not best pleased, but they are asserting their rights, and Daisy is wary of them. Especially the ginger thug, Miu, who turned into a hissing, spitting, erratically bouncing hairball when he first met her. Miu even swiped at Magpie in his fury, which hurt her feelings deeply, although he did come over to apologise afterwards. Beetle, on the other hand, is more reticent, slinking alongside Magpie for protection. She mothers him, curling herself around him as a guardian when Daisy barks at him. Aside from that both dogs seem very relaxed and happy, so we are hoping it will work well.
I love those paintings...The new addition is sooooooo beautiful. The flower looks so exotic looking.
Have a great week.
Smiles xoxo
Hi there,
Just wanted to drop a wee note saying how much I love your work and your blog. I see somewhere you say "I only like tea from a teapot." You're a girl after my own heart!
This new painting is wonderful...so tender.
I love the hare wrapped in the quilt and held so tenderly.
We have a few hares on the property where we live. I love their long ears and back legs.
wowza what a stunningly beautiful talent you have!!! amazing!!! i love the goddess Eostre- i love the detail in the rabbit and colour used ;0)xxxx i love to paint in water colours and u are a real inspiration x
Another lovely painting Danielle.
The Daisy dog is lovely. The cats will get over it. They always have terrible hang ups about their own importance. Nothing that a good dose of ignoring by a canine won't put right!
Thankyou Sonia :)
Roisin - aah, teapots make such a difference!
Jacky - how lucky you are to have hares, they are few and far between in Devon, preferring the richer agricultural land of the rest of the country.
Thankyou Mermaid:) I can't keep away from my watercolours!
Amo House - LOL! you are so right!
I love 'Eostre' and your comments on Easter and it's origins :-)
Will be anxious to see the scan from the printer. The hare and wrap are so lovely as is your daughter as the Goddess.
I love this painting so,so much. I have a little Birthday money left, so I know what I'm saving it for :)
Daisy is gorgeous, I so hope she can stay with you and that the other animals cope with her. It's so hard introducing new pets! Toffee nearly killed Merlin when he first arrived!!!
Eostre Greetings, Danielle. Lovely to read your latest post, to see your work, and hear about life's goings on. Always lively and inspiring. xx
Gorgeous painting! Just stunning, truly.
Eostre is breathtaking. She is just beautiful!! Wonderful work!
XOXO Theresa
Your painting is breathtaking. And I think you are wondeful for taking in another animal. We have a soft spot too for homeless critters. Bless You.
Hi Danielle,
The painting is beautiful, I love that background colour and the expression of care on her face...
I'm also amazed by your patience with your textile pieces... If I (very rarely and under duress for some school project or play) take up a needle and thread, the air quickly turns an intense blue!
This is an absolutely lovely painting. It's so STRONG! SHE is so strong, the hare looks so strong. Wow. It gives me shivers.
What a lovely dog Daisy is. I'm so pleased you were able to offer her a new home. I did laugh at the cats tho, they rule the roost in most homes, don't you find.
I love your artist's interpretation of the Goddess Eostre. I wonder, is there any connection between this Goddess's name and the medical term "Estrogen," the female hormone that has so much to do with women's fertility?
And Hi to Daisy! What a beautiful, bright eyed young lady dog she is.
Eostre is wonderful! I love your interpretation. And your new dog looks to be a sweetheart, may you all enjoy one another~
wowza what a stunningly beautiful talent you have!!! amazing!!! i love the goddess Eostre- i love the detail in the rabbit and colour used ;0)xxxx i love to paint in water colours and u are a real inspiration x
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