We are feeling rather sad in our house at the moment. Foggy, our littlest pony, has gone off to a new loan home. He has been utterly outgrown, and we have lent him to friends with small children who will adore him, but never-the-less he leaves a big gap behind him.
Now we are on the lookout for a suitable ( and affordable!) bigger pony, something around about 12.2 hands. Marlene is in foal for next year, so we will have to stop riding her later this winter. She went to stud to visit Glenmuir Buzzard , a beautiful Highland stallion, who is the sire of my Piper, and also of this gorgeous fellow below. He is Holmedown Austin, who belongs to my aunt, but is staying with me for a couple of months while she is away. He is 6 months old, and one of the most chilled out foals I have ever come across!

And below are pictures of my friends foals. These are dartmoor hill ponies, which were brought down in the drift at the beginning of the month. They are all sired by the spotted stallion shown here. She separated out her 5 and kept them back at the farm to wean as she didn't want them to have the stress of going through pony sales. They will be for sale once they have been halter broken.

The chocolate and white filly is just stunning, and every time I go to visit I come home wanting one.

And here is a commission piece I have just finished. It is not my usual subject matter, but I have always felt that dogs are my weak point when it comes to painting, and as I have turned down dog portraits a couple of times recently I thought it was a good opportunity to practice. It has certainly given me confidence and I think I am now happy to paint dogs!

that little chocolate pony is lovely, I always feel homesick after seeing your ponies, remind me of my little welsh mountain, Toffee.
and the dogs look great, I don't know why you think they are not a strong subject matter for you, you would never guess.
We will miss Foggy, little pegasus too, Lindax
So sorry you are feeling sad and blue about your pony going off to someone else's place. All of your animals are so lovely and dear! I can only imagine how much you care for them each and every one! Blessings to you on this beautiful day. Coralie
I love the dogs!!! A truly lovely picture.
So beautiful the pictures. Sorry about Foggy. I think you did wonderful on the dogs.
I love your dog painting, Danielle! It has a wonderful sense of movement to it, as well as being gorgeous. :-)
I can imagine how you're all feeling about Foggy but so happy to hear that he has a loving home. I always love reading your pony updates and seeing the photos. As for your dog portrait, it's fabulous. You've really caught the spirit of each individual dog character. Brilliant! Hope you manage to find a suitable bigger pony. x
Hi Danielle
The hounds are really good; the whole picture is atmospheric and the hounds look like real characters!
Austin and Maddy look very cute together - a partnership for the future perhaps -
Your blog is excellent and your artwork will make you famous.
xxxxx (people in your family)
xxxxxxxx (animals? is that enough?)
Yer Aunt xxx
The ponies are beautiful..I am from a horse family, my dad and my sister are trainers. My sis trains arabians and has taken many to the top ten in the nation. I grew up with horses have some now love them! Ponies are quite stubborn aren't they? My sis. kids had two ponies that showed, they were so cute!
Love the painting, don't know why you ever hesitated to paint dogs, you have captured the soft curvature of their bodies perfectly! Just very, very beautiful! Come say hi :D
I just thought I'd say hello - I love reading your blog as I am an artist too, and I look in to see what you have been painting. But also I love the horsey bits, as I was horse obsessed as a child. I live in Suffolk, which is beautiful in it's own way, but doesn't have the green magical thing your part of the world has.
Lovely hounds - I think your dogs made me say something today - my Mum worked at a hunt kennels when I was young and I got to play with all the hounds and ride their horses!
Oh the dog painting is gorgeous :)
I'd have the chocolate and brown pony in a heartbeat, how big will she be?
Oh my those lil' ponies are so cute! Yes, I'd be wanting to take at least one home too! How exciting that you will be expecting a foal next year!
How nice that Foggy will continue helping children learn to ride. Those ponies and horses are worth their weight in gold. I'm sure he's feeling very important.
I adore each and every pony you share photos of here and understand how you will miss Foggy.
I hope Foggy finds joy in his new home and brings loads of joy to his new human family.
I´m very sorry, to say goodbye to a frend is allways sad, but every end is a new beginnig too :)
Aw, I'm sad to hear Foggy is elsewhere, such a sweetie pie.
The dog artwork is just lovely and you have no reason in the world not to paint them !
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