'Barn Owl and Owlet Moths'
ink and watercolour
8 x 11 inches
Here is the second design in this series, just finished today.
Nearly didn't get it done, as those ponies made a bid for better grazing this morning, and broke through the fence into next door's field. Had to spend most of my day patching the fence ( which was of course the best place to be in today's glorious spring sunshine, but nevertheless, mending fences doesn't help pay the bills!)
Oh I love owls - he is beautiful!!!! Don't ya love chasing horses!!!! Have a great day hon, Sarah
Beautiful Barn Owl, love the borders on these,they are fabulous. Very Alphonse Mucha, another art fav of mine, from a teenager.
Lovely Danielle! I love the owl flying against the moon!
Beautiful painting - owls are such splendid creatures. Chasing the ponies must have been good exercise too!
Wow--beautiful beautiful painting. Love everything about it--the owls and the moths and the whole composition and colors.
I wouldn't have minded being out chasing ponies and fixing fences either.
I love this!
This is lovely. I particularly like how you echo the night theme with those enchanting moths.
That's beautiful Danielle:) I love Owls. I hear them hooting sometimes round here, it's such a lovely sound:)
Oh btw... you asked about how I was getting on with Folksy.
Hmmm...long list of complaints there..lol
Didn't feel happy with the way things were being run on lots of levels, so while I still have listings there I am concentrating more on Misi now.
To be honest, neither of them stacks up against Etsy, but Misi has only been around since end of last yr, & Folksy has been there since 2008. All I'd say is have a really close look at either place before choosing & see which one has the aspects you prefer. :)
I only sold a couple of things on Folksy to other sellers, not a patch on Etsy!
I am of course a bit biased towards Misi..hehe...but we could definately use some more artists over there! :)*grins*
I love these last two posts.. well I love owls and crows...and your work is so beautifully done.. no detail missed...
my son was just telling me last night that he was doing a project on ancient egypt and the hieroglyphics he was using were these ... an owl and a crow... fun!!!
Lovely owls ! What a charming piece ! Your works are so fun. I won't bore you with the details on how many times I have had to fix the fence with Indi. She loves to whirl around and kick it, busting the top running board, not to mention the scratching she does on it to bust it. A rock walled pasture sounds nice, but then the bunnies would be perplexed.
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