This is the finished image of the fox and the crow. It is too big for my scanner, and my photos have come out darker and duller than the original. Still, I am fairly pleased with it. All the big paintings are off at the framers to be mounted now, in their second hand frames.
It's half term this week, which means a house choc full of children at all times, so not much painting time! It does mean plenty of walks and outdoor time, and yesterday we walked out over Shovel Down, where there are several sets of stone rows. These two are the best, double rows of stones, one lining up along the ancient trackway which crosses the moor here, and the second, at an angle, ending in the usual huge slabs, and concentric rings.
I love to imagine how many thousands of feet have walked these paths before me. These tracks have been in existence since iron age times, and it would be fascinating to reveal the memories they hold.

And finally, my middle daughter has been as prolific as ever with her artwork, but this is one I grabbed before it hit the bin. Her first attempt at altered art/ collage, which is probably better than I could manage!

You painting arrived yesterday, it is so much more lovely in real life, thank you! I am going to have to find a suitable frame now ns decide where he is going to live :o)
Oh that's a lovely painting! And I'm like that..I love historical & ancient places. Really sets the imagination going:)
Oh, it turned out so beautifully! And looks like your daughter is following in your footsteps!
I haven't found any time this week to paint at all with the school holiday! You live in such an amazing place, full of magical places,it makes me want to visit some standing stones, especially in this lovely spring weather.I love your daughter's picture! "Don't lose your bobble" made me laugh.x
Love the painting, it's very powerful! And I got goosebumps all over when I saw the path - maybe I walked it lifetimes ago??? What a lovely thought... :-)
Stunning Danielle!! I think I have said it before, you do such beautiful, vibrant, true watercolors!
Love the photos of your countryside!
Like Mother, Like Daughter! She definitely has talent!
Danielle, this fox and raven painting is so beautiful! I love the light coming through the trees and lighting up these magnificent creatures.
Very nice! Your painting has a spiritual sort of quality about it. I love it!
What a beautiful painting - and your daughter is very talented, too!
Loved the photos of the ancient path...very cool to live in a place of such wonder...
~ Carolee
beautiful painting..I think your daughter is going to be a great artist like her mom.
So many wonders Danielle!
Your painting is delightful and the stone rows send shivers up my spine!Fantastic pictures.
Your budding collage artist has obviously inherited some of her mum's talent!x
Hi again Danielle, I've given you an award over on my blog :)x
Beautiful painting, I'm so glad I came across your site during the OWOH giveaway, I love your painting style, very reminiscent of Rackham.
Its nice to see your daughter following in your footsteps - I hope my daughter inherits my artistic skills too.
beautifully finished painting!!!
The ancientness of your landscape really intrigues me... all these long years and no one has disturbed the fields and pathways or the standing stones.. How do they manage to keep it this way?
fun art from your daughter!
I love the mystery of the ancient pathway in the photos. It must hold a very special atmosphere when you walk along it.
Oh, wow.
And, look at Lily!
The painting is beautiful! I enjoy everything you do.
The stone path...really does get your mind wandering and wondering about the days gone by...it's beautiful~
The fox and the crow painting is beautiful! It looks like your daughter is well on her way to being as talented of an artist as her mom.
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