.....Leola, better known as 'South Shore Artist' to many of us! So, Congratulations Leola, I will send you off a set of ACEOs as soon as I have your address.
As an irrelevant aside, the flowers in the little jug are ones I picked from my garden in the rain this morning. I love the fact that it is the depths of winter, and I can still find flowers! The yellow are Mahonia flowers, which are just coming to an end, and the lovely coppery flowers of my Witchhazel (Hamamelis x intermedia 'Jelena' ). Also , smelling divine outside my studio, is the pink flowered Viburnum x bodnantense. It is weighed down with clusters of pale pink flowers, but sadly they seem to brown very quickly on picking, so it is difficult to bring their scent indoors. (Apologies for the latin names - a legacy from my RHS training!)
Lucky Leola!
Aaaaah *jelous*! I'll buy something from your shop in the afternoon to comfort me :)
Don't you live in the UK? There are flowers, this time of year?!!
Then again, it's suddenly +6 degrees Celsius today where I live, in the north of Sweden, so who knows.
I can't tell you how thrilled I am to have won!!!!!!!! My snail mail addy is on the way. Thank you so much...You've really made my day :)
p.s. it must be wonderful to live somewhere where you can find flowers in the winter! (southshoreartist)
Congratulations Leola!
Thankyou Afiori!
Yes, I do live in the UK, but these are flowers on hardy shrubs, which flower on bare stems! It wont be long before we have snowdrops too!
Congrats Leola! But maybe if I send in my address first I can get the prize?! (kidding)
completely off topic, Danielle, you have awesome taste in music!
Oh how lucky Leola is... !!!
Danielle.. beautiful setting... I love the tea cozy in your picture.. I have been in the process of dreaming up a cozy for my pot.. my old one is a quilted design of a 1/2 Dresden plate applique, but its time has come to retire.. Yours really inspires me.. so maybe a felted wool sweater with a liner will do the trick .. can't wait to think up a pattern and keep my tea warm with it...
and not to mention that you can pick flowers in the winter.. now that is dreaming for me... Thank you!!!
Congratulations Leola!
Danielle.... the blog is looking lovely. I see you managed your 3 columns. You are obviously more of a wizard than me ;)
Thankyou Colleen - it's been a long time since someone said that to me!
Gwen, it's a gorgeous tea cozy isn't it! My sister made it for me for Christmas, and you are exactly right - it is an old felted jumper, with a nice fleece inner, and some lovely embroidery and odd buttons on the outside! I'm thrilled with it :)
This is a charming blog; the Dartmoor ponies, your commentary and the artwork so I decided to follow it.
I am an author and my own blog has gardening stuff, amongst other things.
You are so lucky to have such a wonderful sister... two sisters so talented.. sharing their work.. so lovely to see...
They're here! They're here! You can't imagine my surprise and delight on opening the package! I thought I was getting 1 aceo (I didn't read it very well did I) I opened up the pack and there were 10 absolutely stunning aceo's. I almost cried. Everyone is priceless. Thank you so much. I love crows so much :) Such a perfect day! Southshoreartist
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