Tuesday 27 January 2009

One World - One Heart Blog giveaway!


Well, I decided to jump on the Gypsy Wagon as it trundled past me. I am rather late, and had to run down the road after it, and jump on the tail board, but here I am!
So, for those of you who haven't yet encountered the 'One World - One Heart' phenomenon, it is the brainchild of Lisa Swifka, and the full rules can be viewed on her 'One world - One Heart ' blog. Basically, it is a huge blog giveaway! There are hundreds of participants, all of whom can be found on the right hand side bar of the main blog , here.
The event runs from January the 19th to February 11th, and winners will be announced on the 12th of February.

I am offering this little original sepia ink and watercolour sketch of a fox, to the winner of my draw. In order to participate, you must leave me a comment after THIS post. The comments will close at 9 o'clock UK time on the 11th of Feb. You do not have to be an active blogger, but you MUST be able you be contacted should you win. If you cannot leave a blog, website or email address in the comments ( which will be visible to all) then you need to check back on the 12th of Feb. Should I be unable to contact the winner in the 3 days following the draw, I will draw a new winner.

So, get yourselves off around the blogosphere entering draws for wonderful prizes. There is no limit to the number of blog contests you can enter!

We have had Jackdaw, Magpie's son ( who belongs to my mother) to stay for a couple of days, which is always fun! He is 18 months old, but probably twice the size of his mum. Dog dinner in our house is a bit later than in his - but he couldn't be telling me any more clearly just how hungry he is!

And I couldn't resist snapping yesterday's beautiful rainbow!


Digital Misfit said...

Glad you managed to hop on the One World One Heart caravan!
That fox is wonderful!

hugs from ON, Canada

Please pop by my blog at http://myhidingplaceincyberspace.blogspot.com for a visit and to enter my OWOH giveaway too!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Beautiful! Love your blog!

Please enter me and visit my blog to enter...


Sarah Sullivan said...

Beautiful Fox!!! The dog looks soooo sad - lol! The rainbow is amazing - so nice to see one this time of year!! It's snowing here!
I'm going off to look into the One World One Heart.

Aisha said...

That is one beautiful piece of art! Count me in.

I'm #390 if you'd like to join.

Janet Lee said...

Love your watercolour. Please count me in your draw.

Deirdra Doan said...

I'm the first comment! You are a great illustrator. I am working on a Children's book...Feb 08 post...it is hard for this little painter....

I will be teaching for the first time at Art and Soul and Artfirberfest. This bloggy world is so much fun with Art every where. Throw my hat into the ring and thank you. Please come see my Blog and my giveaway if you haven't already.


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous give away, please count me in.

GraceBeading said...

Beautiful little water color, I'd love to be included!

The dog is too cute, I know just how he feels!

Your rainbow shot is awesome, almost doesn't look real - it's so pretty.

Thanks for the chance,
Participant #19

Dr. Denise Tucker said...

Hello! Thanks for your generous beautiful drawing. Please add me to your giveaway and come visit me at the House Mysteries #311.

Mimi said...

I love the little fox, but any chance we can win Jackdaw? LOL

Please enter me in your drawing.

Stop by & enter mine, too. I'm #640.

Have a wonderful night!

Robin said...

you do beautiful art .
robin krieger

carylsrealm said...

Lovely sketch! Please include my name! And please stop by my OWOH!

Glassgrrl Studios said...

I adore your watercolor style; it reminds me a bit of the Michael Hague illustrations I'd get lost in as a child. You do beautiful work - your banner is so charming.
Should your fox find its way to my shabby old studio, he will be very very well looked after.
This project is working just as planned, isn't it? Because now I've discovered your blog and your etsy shop, and can keep an eye on your beautiful works as they appear.
Come play in my giveaway if you'd like, for a copper & glass necklace. I'm #310 on the list.

Vickie said...

I hope I'm lucky and win the lovely print. Wow! That rainbow is something!
You inquired about my new paper filing system. They have a website: Freedom Filer.com
I'm hoping it will keep the papers under control.

Peggy Parker said...

Your watercolors are lovely! May I come ride your horses? I am such an animal lover. peggy@thesefauxwalls.net www.thesefauxwalls.blogspot.com

Mary said...

That is a beautiful watercolor. I would be honored to own it. Please enter me in your drawing.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely painting :)

Please add my name to your draw.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful painting! Please enter my name in your drawing. Thanks so much!
Bleubabe at aol dot com

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Your blog is WONDROUS! (I've added myself as a follower.) I love all the prints and the fox is just spectacular! Please add my name! Then come on over and enter my OWOH Giveaway too! I’d love to see you there.

Ellen said...

what a lovely fox and we get many a rainbow here as well
please enetr me in your draw and come and see what I have to offer on scrappanic

Anonymous said...

Beautiful artwork! Please enter me in your generous giveaway.

Dschrader said...

Awwwww, so cute! Please add me to your drawing!
Donna K Schrader

Anonymous said...

your art is beautiful
please add me to your drawing
if you get the chance drop by mine
carolyn h

Jenna Z said...

Excellent, so cute! We have a corgi and they are quite fox-like. Well, with shorty legs!

PattiV said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I would love for you to enter my name in your drawing and then please stop by and enter mine.

stampgram said...

I love your drawings. You little fox is precious. Had a bit of fun poking around your blog. Please enter me in your drawing.

I am participating in OWOH too...# 563. You can see my offerings and enter at stampgram.blogspot.com

AlwaysInspired said...

I love the little fox! So serene! Please enter me!

Carolee said...

So glad you joined the caravan!! Your fox is absolutely gorgeous - Please do count me in. :)

~ Carolee

Anonymous said...

I just love reading your blog! It`s great fun, it feels like I know you! Please neter me for your competition so I can more of your lovely art to add to my collection!

Debs xx

Anonymous said...

thanks, robin

crafty creations said...

Wow amazing prize - and wonderful blog - thanks for entering me in your draw.

be great if you'd visit my blog and enter my draw

jojoebi-designs said...

that is a lovely picture, reminds me of my grandad, he used to feed the foxes in his back yard :o)
please pop my name into your hat then come over and enter my draw, if you haven't already done so (having trouble keeping up now)

Megan Chamberlain said...

Your paintings are amazing, I am so glad I found you. Please add my name to your giveaway draw, I would really love to have the fox print come and live with me.

Jeanie said...

Simply gorgeous! Please enter my name in your drawing and stop by The Marmelade Gypsy to enter mine!

sewfunky said...

Please enter me in the draw and don't forget to head on over to my blog and enter mine!


Willnnabel said...

What beautiful watercolors. Just lovely, you have a gift. Please enter my name in your drawing.


Renee said...

as I have already said a million times, i love your work. please count me in on your giveaway. xoxo


Lezlei Ann Young said...

Lovely! Please enter me in your drawing.
My email: breathofart@aol.com

Don't forget to stop by and enter my giveaway! www.breathofart.blogspot.com

Thanks! I'll be back!


Janice said...

It's beautiful. Please enter me in your giveaway.

Sue said...

I would love a chance to win your charming fox picture. Please enter me in your OWOH draw!

*smiles* from Canada


Lorri said...

Please enter me in your draw. I'm number 584 -if you haven't joined my giveaway I would love to see your name on my list :)

Anonymous said...

What a beauty. Please count me in.


Re said...

I'm having so much fun making friends and blog-hopping again this year.

Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner!!!

Karen 's World said...

I love your piece. Thanks, Karen

Gail H. Ragsdale said...

Missed out on the caravan, couldn't figure out how to enter so I've just gone down and entered a large group of blogs :-)
Beautiful rainbow!

Marie Patterson Studio said...

Hi I'm #409...that little fox reminds me of the one wo visits our yard daily.
Please enter my name and do stop over to see my OWOH!

Jennifer MacNeill said...

Oooo, I know my comment will get lost in the huge crowd here but you know this gorgeous fox would have the greatest home ever in my wee house:)
Love the rainbow too.
Take care, Jen ;-}

dulcigal said...

Your watercolor fox is so delightful, as is your whole blog! Please enter me in your giveaway - I have just the home for your prize. Be sure to visit and enter my giveaway.

#644 http://humormemoranda.blogspot.com

Evidence of an Artistic Life said...

Your fox is so beautiful-I love it! I would love to enter and please stop by my blog, too!

Trish said...

I love this fox! I also love your Etsy shop :) Thanks for a chance to win this piece.

Rosa said...

Your paintings are wonderful! (I LOVED the one with the cat and comb hat!! So precious!) Oh yes, please count me in!!!! What fun! And visit me too!!

Anonymous said...

I took some time to peek around your charming blog just now and I had a lovely time! Your illustrations are wonderful. I'll definitely be back.

I'd love to enter the drawing for your prize.

And, if you haven't already, please stop by my corner of Blogland for a visit (and a cookie-or-two-or-three). I've also got some giveaways going on.

It was very nice to meet you,


Sharon said...

I just love your work. I've already added you to my favorites so that I don't lose track of you. I want to be able to check your block often! Please add me to your drawing.

Anonymous said...

OH MY! What wonderful art! I would be thrilled and delighted to have it hang in my home. You are amazingly talented! Thank you so much for participating and giving us all a chance to own one of your pieces of art!
*smiles from frozen Canada...it will be a good long while till we see a rainbow here!*
Carol :)

Patti G. said...

What a gorgeous piece, your watercolor is awesome! I would LOVE to win this and give it a good home.Please count me in and if you haven't ,come play at my blog too!

Kelly Snelling said...

awwwww! your work is really beautiful, lyrical, inspiring. i love how you capture the personality of all these magical animals. they shine. and feed that poor jackdaw earlier! hee, hee. what a mopey face he has wrapped around his bowl. too funny. happy one world one heart!

Lisa Cook said...

Your paintings are so charming. I would love to own one! Thank you for offering to the world. I invite you to stop by my blog as well for OWOH.

The Whimsical Goblin said...

Wonderful paintings! count me in your drawing.

Beth M said...

I love your artwork! I will have to come back to your blog when I have more time to look around! Please enter me in your drawing.

Debra Keirce said...

Your painting is beautiful!And so is the rainbow photo!

Geekery said...

Please enter me into the draw and don't forget to head on over to my OWOH giveaway to enter mine!


s hyler said...

What a wonderful giveaway. It is so nice meeting you through this event.
Have a wonderful day,

Monique Kleinhans said...

That photo of Jackdaw is hysterical! but I'm still taken by your fox! Please enter my name in your drawing.

Thanks for joining in the fun of One World One Heart! I hope you'll have the chance to come over to my blog for a visit soon! (#94 on Lisa's List) or just come to www.thelightifind.blogspot.com


Anji Gallanos said...

This is a really nice piece..would love to win. Stop by my giveaway. #519


The Odd Bird said...

Your art is so wonderful. Please add me to the list. And I'm going to add your blog to one of my favorites..

Melanie said...

great drawings and I just absolutely love the dog!!! can I win him!!! my mom has one that looks a lot like that but not as big!

Tall Tree Photography said...

Please add me, I love your fox! thanks:-) And come by my blog, if you have a chance, and enter my giveaway.

Jenn Milt Art said...

lovely drawing!

please enter me and feel free to enter my giveaway, i'm 486.

Anonymous said...

Love your drawings! They are beautiful. Please enter my name and then come by and visit mine!

Laume said...

I'm so glad I stumbled into your blog while traveling around in the OWOH event. It appears we have a lot of interests in common. I'd love a chance at the fox. My youngest's first animal totem was a fox, we used to call him Baby Fox and then later, Little Fox. Thanks. And now off to see more of your blog.

Tina Leavy said...

absolutely lovely art..I can so much see this displayed next to a faux jade fox statue that I have..how nice that would look.please enter my name in the drawing. very generous of you. thanks for the opportunity. I hope that you'll stop by my blog for a visit when you get a chance.nice to "meet" you.

Lisa Gatz said...

Beautiful! Please enter me in your giveaway.


seahagstudio said...

i would love to win a piece of your art! your blog is awesome!! i am having a wonderful time finding all these new blogs! thanks, tracy

Life on an artistic shoestring said...

I really like your art and would be very happy to win the fox! So hope I'm lucky!

Heidi Jo said...

Oh my goodness, I love this! Please count me in!

Anonymous said...

Adorable! I'm hopeful. :-) Visit my post as well, if you wish:

Teresa aka Tess said...

Beautiful. I'd love to own it, enter me please. I can be found at my blog or here:

Brenda said...

Your watercolours are beautiful, thanks for entering me in your giveaway (#574)

Letha Richardson said...

Your fox watercolor is beautiful, and I would love to recieve it. Please include me in the drawing.
Thanks- Letha
I am also #553 on the OWOH project or you can catch me on my blog at http://thismuseofmine.blogspot.com

Saskia said...

I was just hopping from one blog to another. And so I discovered OWOH!! Great, sharing creativity all over the world!! And so... I created my own blog this week...for all of you...feel free to take a look at my cards and atc's!

You've made a beautiful sketch!! I'm hooked on children's books.... got a small library at home!! Your giveaway is so wonderful...

Someone, somewhere.. will be very happy with it... I can only dream it's me :)!!

Greetings from Belgium,



bockel24 said...

Foxes have a special meaning for me, and yours is just adorable - please count me in!

Jona Panesa said...

you have beautiful photos and that painting is just gorgeous. please enter me in your drawing and do visit me in my blog for my giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Your watercolors are lovely. I'd be thrilled to own one, believe me!
If you haven't already done so, please visit my blog and enter my giveaway. I'm #21 on the Gypsy Caravan, and I'm giving away one of my necklaces!
Eileen in NYC

Anonymous said...

Ooooh! I LOVE your work! Wow! I also am so in love with foxes! There's a little fox who frolicks around the woods in our neighborhood and I'm always so excited when he comes out to see me as I drive by! I would absolutely LOVE to win your fox! Please enter me... and I can't wait to check out your blog... and the rest of your paintings, for that matter!! Ah, OWOH is amazing, eh?

Ketutar said...

A fox! Of course I have to leave a comment now! Ketutar means vixen, lady fox, in Finnish... ;-)
Also, the fact that I love your art doesn't make it harder... :-D

Fiona said...

Oh I'm so glad you joined in the caravan and that fox is adorable - one of my favourite animals, that and hares - please enter me - I think my wall needs your fox!! Come and enter mine too - www.magickdiva.blogspot.com

Bibi said...

Your watercolours are amazing! Please enter me in the draw, then visit my blog too and enter my giveaway - bibscrap.blogspot.com

Tessa said...

Please count me in - love the fox!
Sweet dog, lovely rainbow, too.

Anja said...

Hello from Slovenia.

Great giveaway - for someone like me - a mad illustrations lover. Love love love your fox!!!
Count me in, please.

Caroline said...

Oh what a lovely fox!

johanna said...

wonderful foxpainting!
please come to my entry # 140

Chris said...

Oh, wow! This is fab! Please include me in your drawing. And now, I think I'm going to have to follow your blog. Nice to find you!

Mistress Girly said...

beautiful watercolor and subject. please enter me. thanks. launchvipers@yahoo.com

Jenn Klee said...

Just extraordinary! Stop by my blog to join my giveaway.

Dottie said...

I just love this work of art. And foxes are one of my favorite animals. Please add me to the list of entries and if you have a chance, please visit my blog and giveaway (#669) www.gardensandcrafts.blogspot.com. Thanks!

Jodi said...

Great watercolor. Thanks for the chance to win.

Birgit said...

Great fox -- love it! :)

Greetings from Munich,

Miss*Laurence said...

Fantastic work, such delicate details!!! I'm so happy I found your blog today!
I'm here too but not on the participants list yet.
I'll be back!!

hippymummy said...

I think that this is a great idea and would love to be part of it thankyou. the picture is adorable too xXx

Ursula Shaw said...

Beautiful! Please enter my name.

pinkglitterfae said...

what a lovely watercolor! I would be pleased to frame it and hang it in my home. Thanks for the chance to win an original piece

great capture of the rainbow too!

OWOH # 259

Vintage Linen Treasures said...

Your artwork is amazing! I'd love to win this beautiful piece. We used to have a fox visit us everynight last year. I'd love a chance to win this. Please add my name to your drawing.
Thank you!
Patricia :o)

Tami said...

What a beautiful talent you have! Please enter my name in your drawing! Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

What a cute fox, you are very talented. Love your rainbow picture, looks like it is from a dream. Please enter me in your giveaway. Be sure to enter my giveaway (#357) as well. Thank you from Alaska.
~Vicki Priebe
Wish Grantor

Tammie Lee said...

Oh my goodness, as I look around your blog I feel so happy to have found you! Your art is full of charm and natural beauty. Your little fox is enchanting. Whoever wins this gift is quite lucky! I know if it is me I will enjoy it daily. If you would like, visit me at my giveaway #22.

By the way you are not so late, last year I joined much closer to the end!

Connie said...

what a lovely watercolor painting! please come visit my giveaway too!
connie williams

SuseADoodle said...

sure glad you decided to join the caravan! I joined late too. Love the pup, the rainbow and the fox. I know you're not giving away the pup or the rainbow but they sure are fun. The fox painting is awesome. Please add me to the drawing. Thanks

"Suse Bee"

Corryna said...

You are a real artist. I like your style. The drawing you made is wonderful

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Your drawing is wonderful. It was so inventive I had to smile when I saw it.

Please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway also.

hfsolutions at juno dot com


Dragonlady said...

Your drawings are all wonderful..

Trayna said...

How could you resist those soulful eyes of Jackdaw?
I would love a chance to win your beautiful fox please.

Coreopsis said...

Lovely little painting. Please enter me in the drawing.

free indeed said...

Ha...a perfect gift for hubby! We've had fox troubles in the hen house the last two years...this would be a cute momento for those troublesome years! Thanks for opening this up to everyone.

cheryl said...

Wonderful giveaway! What beautiful art!

If you get a chance, stop by my humble OWOH: http://chaosatlanta.blogspot.com/

Leanne said...

that fox is wonderful and i'd be homoured to give him a home here, I like foxes, despite one of his brethren killing two of my hens!

leanne x

Sara lechner said...

this is a very special giveaway, I love it, please count me in!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the rainbow. Your watercolor is wonderful. Thank you.

Paola Zakimi said...

That is one beautiful piece of art! Count me in.

Michelle McGee said...

This stunning piece of work belongs with me!!! I promise you!

Diana Meade said...

I so want to win and then I want to come to your home and pet the ponies. Excuse me, I got carried away. The Rookery looks like a wonderful place to be when you live in the city. I love your art and I want that great little kitty who is hanging out with the chicks.

Please enter my name in your giveaway and come see my blog as I am participating in OWOH too. Thanks, IdaClare

~*~Pandora's Artbox~*~ said...

Your work is beautiful! Please count me in and if you haven't visited my blog yet, make sure to stop by to enter my giveaway. Thanks!

~*~Patty S said...

Hello ~ Lovely blog, artwork and rainbow too! Yorr fox painting is SO wonderful, I would Love the chance to be the lucky winner in your generous giveaway!

Thank you!

You can find me at OWOH#122

graham hanks said...

lovely painting, please enter me and also please visit my blog for my giveaway

Petra said...

Gorgeous painting! Love your photos too. Please add my name!

Please come and visit my give-away too. It has just been posted so isn't listed on the site as yet - here is the direct link:


Anonymous said...

you have a nice touch with watercolor. glad to see some watercolor included in OHOW!


Char said...

Hi from Oregon!!

Loved the photo of the dog by his dish!! Too funny!!

Love your watercolor!!!

Please enter my name and, if you have time, come on over to my blog to enter, too!!

Hugs from Oregon,



Lorraine said...

great art on here and congrats on getting that wool for a bargain price..check out my blog if you have time...no. 352

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Oh wow! That rainbow really brightens up a stark winter day, doesn't it? :)

And Jackdaw knows how to pile on the guilt with his pitiful "I'm starving to death' look. hehe

I would love to be entered in your contest, too. You art has such a dreamy, peaceful quality to it.



nfmgirl said...

You do really beautiful work. I'd love to be included in your giveaway. Thank you!

bethbbk said...

I would love to have your fox watercolor picture. My teenage son collects foxes and this would be perfect for him. Please include me.
Beth at pleasemomdontsing.blogspot.com

Rusted Wings said...

I'm in awe!!! Your art is so incredible, and what an honor it would be to win this sweet piece! This is lovely!!
Please count me in, and stop by and check out my new blog #479, Rusted Wings!!!

Lisa W. said...

Wonderful! Please enter my name. I am also participating in OWOH and would love for you to stop by #223. :-)

Ann said...

Please enter my name, and if you haven't done so already, stop by and enter my giveaway, too (#71).

cox_cchs AT hotmail DOT com

EADotCom said...

What a delightfully expressive person you are! I enjoy the way you write and I love your giveaway. Beautiful.

I am from Malaysia. Please do enter me into your draw, and if I win, I hope it will not be too troublesome to ship here.

On my part, I have two giveaways to offer but please feel free to browse around and comment on my other posts.




Anonymous said...

Danielle, I can't get over how talented you are. I'm so in love with the way you draw! It's perfect and what a bonus that you draw such wonderful things! I have put you in my favorites and will now find out where else I can view you art and save those to Favorites too. Thank you so much!!

cowgirltazz said...

Thank you for the chance to win one of your beautiful creations. Please enter me in the drawing. The fox is darling.

SpiritMama said...

What a wonderful little fox painting!
Thanks for including me in your giveaway!

Waxela (wa-shay-la)

A Reader said...

Nice watercolor. Love the dog too!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Five O'Clock Somewhere said...

So glad to have found your blog. I love your watercolors.


Quiltmoose - Dagmar said...

Your fox painting is gorgeous! I'd be thrilled to be the winner! Please include me in your drawing.
I am also participating in this wonderful event! http://quiltmoose.blogspot.com/
Please stop by if you haven't already.

Greetings from Germany,

Latharia said...

What a lovely watercolor piece -- love your somewhat wistful fox! Please do enter my name into your drawing ... and if I am so fortunate as to win, please contact me at latharia{at}comcast{dot}net. Meanwhile, visit my blog to enter my giveaway, too! :D

Linda said...

Please add me to the list.Lindax

beenebag said...

Please enter me into your drawing!


jasmoonbutterfly said...

please count me in xxx
jasmoon butterfly (Traceyanne) #794

Bee said...

oh what a fab give away, please please add me to your draw.

I'd love you to pop over to my blog and join in my draw too, it's at

looking forward to seeing you there.


trisha too said...

Your watercolours are charming!
I would be delighted for your fox to come live with us.

thank you for the opportunity,
and thank you for participating in OWOH.
owoh #177,
easily amused, hard to offend . . .

Anonymous said...

I love your blog!! Your photo is really pretty. I like snapping pics of rainbows they always make for really nice subjects.
Your painting is absolutely AMAZING!!! I love the fox sitting in the forest, he looks like he is waiting for someone....
Please include me in your draw. This picture would look really good in my new craft room!!!!
Sabina hgsv49@yahoo.ca

jet1960 said...

Please enter me in your giveaway. Your art work is so beautiful.

OWOH participant #514

Deanna Lack said...

I love your work and your blog! It's great to find other blogs that are interesting... I'll be keeping an eye on yours. Drop by my blog and enter the giveaway for a stretchy chainmaille bracelet :)

You've Got Maille Blog

Blackfeatherfarm said...

Love your charming works of art ! Your blog is a favorite of mine, like everyone else I see !
I hope to participate in this next year myself !

Diane said...

Lovely! Please add me http://dianedidit.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful sketch! I would love to give that little fox a new home. :) Please count me in!

And please do feel free, too, to stop by my blog for my own OWOH giveaway!

Jan said...

Awesome. Please count me in! I am participating in OWOH too. My blog is #799, please stop by.

Carole Burant said...

Such a delightful giveaway! I would so love to win this beautiful painting of yours:-) Please add my name and make sure you come over to my blog to enter my own giveaway, a little faerie box. I'm #770. Thank you:-) xo

Anonymous said...

So gorgeous, you are so very talented, please count me in! I've joined OWOH this year too, drop by my blog at http://urbanfireflycreations.wordpress.com/ :)

Paula said...

Oh, your work is just beautiful, and I would be honored to have a piece to hang in our B&B!! Someone will be so fortunate! I can't wait to spend more time looking around your lovely blog and seeing more of your art. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win!! Please stop by my blog and sign up for my little giveaway, as well. I'm #360 on the list!

Thank you!!

Tester Mari said...

Please enter me in your drawing, thank you!


marilavado at hotmail.com


Roberta said...

What a lovely giveaway! Please, count me in. Love your work!

Best regards from Slovenia (#910) and take care.

Corinna Nitschmann said...

Wow! What nice watercolor pictures! You could send the fox to Hungary...

Best regards
Corinna with the felted vessels

PS.: Let me invite you to Nr.802 on the caravan where my giveaway is waiting for a winner.

Totally Timmy said...

Love this print. Had a fox out chasing my roosters actually!

Totally Timmy said...

P.S. please enter me in the draw

Just Jenn Designz said...

I just LOVE your sepia ink and water colour fox sketch. Please enter me into your fantastic giveaway drawing. Thanks,

*jean* said...

how wonderful! please count me in!!

jean (OWOH #889)

Anonymous said...

Your drawings are fabulous and if I'm the winner your cute little fox will have a mixed-media "rookery" of his own to inhabit!

Thanks for participating in OWOH!!


jolt said...

Your Fox is beautiful, but all your animal images look magical and amazing
please enter me in your draw

Franny said...

You are an exquisite artist! I love the fox and the color mix...Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway...I would love to win something the day after my 20th anniversary!

I have never been to this event before so after seeing so many wonders, I became a participant!

I am so amazed at the generosity. I am particularly moved by some of the comments that are so heartfelt.

This has really inspired me to be more creative and to blog more. I have enjoyed meeting you and getting in touch with your blog.

Come and visit me on Picklebeans or email me at:

Sophie said...

You are so talented! Love love love your art! Would love a chance to win.
Sophie in Montreal, Canada

PS love the photo of the dog! lol

artbeckons said...

Great work! Please include me in your drawing =) OWOH #433

Story said...

I am a great lover of story. Your fox painting is very fairytale like. We have many a fox that wander through our forest and I would love to hand your artwork in my home in their noble honor! Please include me in your giveaway and come visit me as well.

Tumbleweed Trails said...

Your work is beautiful. Love that fox. Such a great prize you are offering. Thank you for participating in the wonderful giveaway. Please enter my name into your drawing. It would be such a delight and honor to win. Jody

Anonymous said...

I just love your work. That fox just couldn't be more wonderful. I would love to be entered in your very generous give-away. Thank you :)

Barbara Olivo Cagle said...

I would love to win one of your water color art pieces! Your site is so beautiful. I would love to win your prize. After this is all over I’m going to spend more time viewing every ones. Please stop at my site too. I’m giving away my new book “16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood.” I will personally sign it for you.


Barbara #830

KV said...

Lovely piece of artwork! Thanks for visiting my blog.

Kathy V in NM

Sarahlé said...

How great!! Oh please count me in :) It would be such a treat for me to win...!
Many thanks to you... Have a bright day!


Becky said...

I love the Fox and I love your photographs. The rainbow pic is amazing and so are your family pics. Thanks for sharing those.

Please enter me into your giveaway. Thanks so much!

Francine Cronos said...

Your artwork is wonderful - I love the little fox. Thank you for the opportunity to enter your amazing giveaway.

Art of Jana said...

Beautiful! Please enter me in your give away, and if you haven't by already, come visit mine too! (so many giveaways - so little time!)


Jana (#905 - OWOH)

Liv said...

Hello from Australia! :)
Nice to meet you!
What a gorgeous fox! I've always loved foxes (even though they're considered a pest...I think they're cute! LOL)
Your artwork is fantastic! I would love to have my name included in the draw :)
Thank you very much for sharing your talent with us! :)
All the best,

gloomy_liv AT yahoo DOT com DOT au

Unknown said...

Thank you for the great giveaway & the chance to win!

:) Melissa

Banna said...

I would love for you to enter me and if you have not already run over to my blog and check out my giveaway.

demmi said...

how pretty please enter me con5459(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said...

Stunning giveaway - I love foxes even though most people think I am mad to do so! Please stop by my blog to enter in the draw if you get a chance
http://aviyaglass.blogspot.com or
#748 on OWOH.
I would love the opportunity to win, please count me in!

Loralynn said...

Wonderful giveaway! I would love to win your darling artwork! Please enter me!

BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

Great watercolor, beautiful dog too! Please enter me into the draw. And visit me when you have time.

BrendaLea OWOH #754



Betty Boogie said...

adorable fox!!! Please count me in! visit me at#906

Beadyjan said...

Lovely giveaway - please include me and enter mine too.

KKJD1 said...

You do beautiful work! Please include me in your giveaway. I'd love to have your little fox! Thanks Karen

Anonymous said...

Please enter me--thanks! :)

Stacy/Creativemuse said...

I love your Artwork. HOw funny about the pup! AND what a lovely rainbow that you for sharing!I am so excited to find your blog! This OWOH event is totally awesome! Thank you for participating and I look forward to visiting again! If you want I have just jumped in and started a blog but didn’t finish in time for the event. Darn it. SO next year for sure!

Sharris145 at roadrunner dot com

techyone said...

I love the fox! Thank you.

Lois0607 said...

What a beautiful watercolor. Please include me in your drawing. Thanks

ozlynda said...

Your drawings are beautiful.
I do like the fox.
Please enter me into the draw and thanks for your generosity.
Lynda - Australia
lyndat65 at tpg.com.au

Anonymous said...

You have an etsy shop? It must be lovely! Going to mark you as fav.

Please count me in, and many thanks! I can be convoed through etsy, shall I win.

Unknown said...

You do watercolors so well, love the fox, he looks deep in thought...

Thanks for your generosity

OWOH #401

Danielle Barlow said...

Ok, Comments are now closed, and any left after this will not be able to be included. I will do the draw tomorrow - Good Luck!


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