Tuesday 22 April 2008

Easter Term Begins

Pheww! I was able to breathe a sigh of relief yesterday morning as the children all went back to school. Now I can get started on my 'to do' list, which has been growing steadily for the last six months. First is this blog - it's a new venture for me, so it is taking a little while to get to grips with setting it up. Trouble is, after weeks of horrible weather, the sun came out this morning, and it is glorious outside. I've had to drag myself away from de-lousing ponies and sorting out fencing, and all those jobs that you put off in the rain or biting wind.
We had a fantastic time on our 3 day ride last week. We stayed in the bunkhouse at Runnage Farm, Postbridge, and rode all day everyday. It has brought the girls confidence on in leaps and bounds, they are all happy cantering off the lead rein now. My horses are all barefoot, and they coped with the ride with no trouble at all, which was a relief. So , we have to plan the next one in the summer holidays!
For now though, I need to get back to painting and get some money in, and I have a charity project to do for WHOA, a fab group of Equine artists. I must get that done this week, and I will work out how to link to the Blog about it.


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